Last preparations in the empire (1)

That same day at night, Tang Yin had good hours of passion with Huang Feifei until she fell asleep.

After that, Tang Yin put on his bandages and got up to go to the balcony to get some air and think about the moves he would have from today.

He would be leaving in a few days and had chosen not to go on any more adventures.

He would grab a flying boat to a desert city where, if he was lucky, he would be able to find some necessary herbs and a material taken from a desert beast, both necessary for the recipe to recover his spiritual bones.

Thanks to Zu Xiaolin who gave him many materials, he hardly lacked anything. He never thought that in that treasury he would find so many things and that they would give it all to him like that, but it was a good thing.

He only needed those little things from the desert and then to go to the north, where he would find the last necessary materials.

'Then I'd have to look for an Alchemist...' Tang Yin thought, and just then, he noticed movement nearby, so he turned around and was surprised.

"Miss Li, I didn't expect you to still be around." Tang Yin said with a smile when he saw Li Mei approaching him.

She smiled somewhat embarrassedly at him.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Tang. I've been hiding so as not to make you uncomfortable, but I wanted to ask you some questions, so I've been here the whole time." She replied with a smile and stood to the side of him.

Tang Yin simply shrugged his shoulders and nodded at her.

"It's okay, you can ask anything, but I don't promise to answer everything." Tang Yin said and turned around to look at the night sky.

She then nodded.

"...Young Master, do you know about the force from which my spiritual weapon comes?" She asked directly. She didn't want to beat around the bush.

Tang Yin smiled. Of course, he knew this was the question.

"Before I answer you, can you tell me what happened to your parents? Under no circumstances can I believe that your parents were peasants. Not if you inherited that spiritual weapon from them." Tang Yin said.

She looked at him and although she was somewhat surprised, nodded.

"...My parents were killed by very powerful cultivators. I originally thought they were peasants, but after watching them fight, I realized that they were powerful cultivators. They were possibly above the mythical Spirit King Realm. But they were killed while protecting us." She replied, her voice at the end becoming lower and lower, clearly, she didn't like to talk about this.

"Do you know who the killers were?" Tang Yin asked, and she shook her head.

"Possibly they were from our family." She replied, and Tang Yin looked at her.

"Why do you say so?"

"They used similar Spiritual Weapons."

"Oh, you mean they used Moon Spirit Weapons?"

"I don't know what they're called, but they were a lot like my brother's and my parents'. Although mine is a little different, it also has similarities. Also, the attacks were very similar to the ones that fit me and my brother the most."

After talking for a moment with her about different things, Tang Yin frowned when he heard that.

'Is there really a Moon Clan in this place? And they seem to be having interest problems... Well, considering she has the Full Moon Scepter, it's normal for the old bastards to want to control her, but... Don't they represent the moon? Since when did they have such barbaric thoughts?' Tang Yin thought.

There were many strange things in what she was telling him.

It wasn't that he didn't believe it, in fact, he didn't notice that she was lying.

He believed she was telling the truth, but...

He knows the Moon Clan very well.

As the representatives of the moon, they represent the purity and tranquility of the night. Even when they kill in masse, they do it cleanly and with elegance.

They are part of the pinnacle of elegance and tranquility.

Even their Tang Family, known to be the most united Family, is more prone to infighting and power struggles than the Moon Clan.

Because, this clan has another name.

The Sons of the Moon Divinity.

Being one of the most respected clans in the world, they have never had internal fights or conspiracies within their ranks. And it is not because they have rules against it. It is not because they have an iron fist with their descendants so that they do not do such acts.

It is because they understand very well the kind of damage a conspiracy can cause to their clan.

Once Tang Yin wanted to know something about this, and, to his surprise, it was not understood by them.

It was as if in their dictionary, the word conspiracy did not exist, let alone between families.

So, what the hell was going on?

This is the Brotherhood Clan; they would never attack each other between families.

And now they're killing each other?

'Could it be that they are another Clan and not the one I know? But, then why do they have the Moon Clan Weapons? Shit, it's kind of confusing.' Tang Yin thought, in the end, he gave a small sigh.

He didn't know how to answer at this point.

Certainly, he knew Li Mei and Li Mao's spiritual weapons.

Both of them were authentic Moon spiritual weapons.

But they didn't seem to be the ones he remembered.

After thinking for a moment, he sighed visibly.

Seeing that she was waiting for an answer to her question, Tang Yin decided to answer her.

"It seems that things have changed a bit from what I remember. Certainly, I know your and your brother's Spirit Weapon. They are called Moon Spiritual Weapons, they are very good, and they have great potential for growth. The force they come from, I couldn't tell you if they are the same, because in the story you tell me there is something strange, so I couldn't answer you that question." Tang Yin replied.

He could not tell her any information about his world because he did not know if it was the same as here.

His knowledge of this world was too superficial at present.

She was a little discouraged to hear this, but at least she now knew a little regarding her spiritual weapon.

Tang Yin looked at her like this and smiled.

"You don't need to worry too much either, the fact that you're here means that those people either stopped looking for you or are waiting for something to move against you. But for now, you are safe and what matters is the present. Don't worry about the future, because we don't know what will happen. The only thing you can do is to get stronger, to avoid a bad future." Tang Yin said and then raised his hand and made a gesture as if he wanted to grab the moon in the distance.

"Remember, human beings have the ability to change our destiny. But the only way we have to do that is to become stronger. Strength is the root of everything, if you are strong, you can destroy your enemies. If you are strong you can stand on a mountain and look down on everyone. They will all try to come up to you and take your place, but your strength will suppress them and make them your subordinates. That is the only way we have to change our destiny, so that is the path we must follow." Tang Yin said, at the end making a fist, as if his words were being said to himself and he wanted to crush the moon in front of him, many miles away.

Li Mei was surprised that he would say these things to her, but if she thought about it, it seemed to make a lot of sense.

'Only by being strong can you change your destiny...' She thought and repeated it several times in her mind, then smiled and bowed a little to Tang Yin.

"Thank you very much, Young Master Tang. I understand your words, from now on I will think about becoming strong." She replied, and Tang Yin smiled.

Then he took out something from his inventory and gave it to her.

"Here, it's a small gift for you. Don't open it now, it won't do you any good. When you think your strength is enough to enter a Great Sect, you can open it." Tang Yin said, and she though confused, nodded.

"Yes, Young Master. Thank you very much for your teachings and for your gift, I will treasure them." She replied.

Tang Yin nodded.

"You can go to sleep, it is late." He said, and she nodded.

"I bid you farewell, Young Master Tang. I hope you have a nice night." She said and then left. She didn't know the gift she had received, but she was satisfied with just the teaching he had given her.

After Li Mei left, Tang Yin smiled again.

"Elder Zhang, hiding at night is not your specialty, you shouldn't do it too much." Tang Yin said with a smile.

Just at that moment, Zhang Feiju who was hiding nearby and hiding his aura, was surprised and couldn't help but show himself.

"...I didn't expect that a person who can't cultivate could find me so easily. You are really worthy of you reputation and I think you reputation falls short, you seems to be more amazing." Zhang Feiju said as he approached from a corner.

Tang Yin smiled indifferently.

"What brings you here, Elder Zhang?" He asked.

"The Academy accepted the 2 techniques and will award a great number of Academic Credits to Miss, but, when she came back with me, we met the rest of Central Elders with their respective new students..." He said, and Tang Yin looked at him.

"Oh, what happened?" He asked, and the elder shrugged his shoulders a little helplessly.

"She's the most talented of all the new students, so those crazy old men are trying to take her away. She's already turned them down, though." He replied.

Tang Yin then looked thoughtful.

It wasn't very troublesome, but...

It was best to avoid all possible trouble.

So, he took out some papers and started writing down various things.

A while later, he had finished and passed them to him.

"Find someone to take care of them while you follow those procedures tonight and tomorrow you can go get your Spiritual Bone. I also wrote down things you should do from now on and way to train, also, I will leave you a cultivation technique with Feifei, which is the one you will use. I hope that when I see you again, you will be in a difficult cultivation to daunt." Tang Yin said and then turned around to go inside.

He didn't want to listen to the thanks of an old man who liked to talk a lot, so he decided to say goodbye there.

"I hope to see you soon, Elder Zhang. Remember your promise. If you break it, your revenge can never be carried out." Tang Yin said with a smile and disappeared into the doorway, leaving Elder Zhang in a daze for a long time...