Do they escape?

Li Zhangyuan frowned as he saw the huge wall of smoke and poison that had formed.

Even the other two were equally surprised by this, them didn't expect this person to have so many tricks up his sleeve.

But they could still feel the presence of the woman on the other side, though were a bit confused by said presence, but they could certainly feel it.

"Hmph, child's play." Li Zhangyuan said as he kicked the ground hard and sent out large streams of spiritual energy to all sides.

Causing some small explosions in the area as the smoke dispersed, but to his surprise, there was more smoke and poison than he expected.

"Shit, that guy has a lot of tricks." He said angrily, and just then, the person next to him smiled.

"Brother Li, do you want to compete? I can feel that girl's presence running, how about a competition to see who immobilizes her first?" Shao Hu asked with a smile, attracting Li Zhangyuan's attention.

"Oh? With our spirit weapons?" Li Zhangyuan asked, but from the smile on his face, it was obvious that he was teasing.

Shao Hu simply shrugged his shoulders.

"My Scepter is not a spear, Brother Li. Let's do it with Secondary Weapons, how about it?" He asked, and Li Zhangyuan nodded and then looked at Yang Tao.

"Brother Yang, are you competing? The competition will be to destroy that bastard's body and immobilize the girl with a single attack." Li Zhangyuan said calmly as if what he was talking about was something simple.

Yang Tao looked at them and smiled.

"If I join in, do you think you can have a chance?" he asked, and Li Zhangyuan and Shao Hu simply shrugged their shoulders.

"If there's no difficulty, then it's boring. Come on, let's do it in 10..." Shao Hu said and was the first to take out his secondary weapon, which was a spear.

Next, Li Zhangyuan took out his secondary weapon, and lastly Yang Tao.

The fact that Shao Hu said to go only with his secondary weapons was because he knew that the three of them had spears as their second spirit weapon.

The three of them stood together as if in a small game while aiming at a place where they felt the presence of that girl gradually moving away.

"I'll flip a coin, when it lands, we'll do it..." Shao Hu said, and without waiting for the reaction of the others, he quickly tossed it in the air.

The three then smiled and caught the spear in the middle of their body.

Then they waited patiently, and the coin slowly began to fall...


Just as the coin hit the ground, the three of them loudly threw their respective spears.


The three spears flew out at incredible speed, and soon, everything in their path was destroyed.

The long spears were imbued with the spiritual energy of three spiritual emperors, one stronger than the other, how could anything stop them?

Smoke or poison was blown aside at high speed, and trees or rocks were pulverized as these three spears flying at high speed passed by.

But just as they planned to see everything, the smoke and poison began to rebound.

"Shit, that stupid smoke won't let us see." Li Zhangyuan said at that moment, so he quickly ran and jumped through the smoke, but he didn't stop, he continued to jump as there was too much smoke, and poison barriers formed, and he was followed by the other two.

They also wanted to see a pool of blood form or, perhaps... Would the blood be pulverized as well?

They were curious and couldn't miss such an interesting spectacle.

"Hahaha, brother Li, don't be in a hurry. The guy is impossible to still be alive, it only remains to see how that girl is subdued under my spear." Shao Hu said at that moment with a smile as he arrived behind Li Zhangyuan and jumped in as well, but just as the three of them stepped out of the last wall of smoke, they felt stunned.

"What the fuck, did we pulverize her too?" Li Zhangyuan asked as he stopped feeling the woman's presence and looked straight ahead.




A big explosion arose as the three spears hit a nearby mountain in succession, raising an enormous avalanche of snow, but...

"Fuck, how could they possibly escape!? Impossible!" Li Zhangyuan shouted as he started running towards where the spears were, wanting to search for that beautiful woman's body.

Shao Hu and Yang Tao frowned as they saw this and ran to see what was going on.

When they arrived, they found the three weapons, but there was no trace of anything.

"Impossible, did they use any treasure? Could it be that this girl is more amazing than we thought?" Shao Hu asked with great strangeness and grabbed his spear to examine it.

It didn't have even a speck of blood on it, what the heck was going on?

"...Be that as it may, those guys escaped." Li Zhangyuan said angrily and then looked at Shao Hu.

"Brother Shao, help me look for them. There's something weird."

Shao Hu looked at him when he heard this.

"The girl undoubtedly is a beauty, she's the most beautiful I've seen after Miss Bing, but do you really want her so badly? Are you angry that you can't get Miss Bing and so you want to take your anger out on another beauty?" Shao Hu asked doubtfully, this time he didn't seem to be joking, it was really the question he wanted to ask.

But Li Zhangyuan let out an angry snort and looked at the mountain.

"Look at the mountain, how is it possible that there is no avalanche to this side when the spears hit here? The answer is simple, I think my power was deflected a little or split in half and hit the mountain, deflecting the snow. That's strange, such a wounded Spiritual King couldn't do that." Li Zhangyuan said, and then a small smile formed on his face, and looked at both of them.

"I think you guys have some amazing treasures, how about it? Are you guys up for it? It's a treasure capable of deflecting my attack and disappearing into nothingness, how about it? Join in?" He asked with a smile, and both of them in front of him frowned.

'Certainly...' They thought and smiled; Yang Tao spoke first.

"50% for me and I have all of Asgard City search for them, the rest is for you guys. It is decided." He said and started walking straight towards the city.

Both of them behind him could only sigh.

"Well, if Asgard City is looking for them we can find them, if my Icy Tower City is looking for them, we might be in trouble anyway." Shao Hu replied with a calm smile.

He knew how to weigh the pros and cons.

While Li Zhangyuan also had nothing to say.

He was the weakest of the three, and on top of that, he was in a territory far away from his territory.

Receiving 25% was already good for him.

Thus, the three of them set off for Asgard City, where there would soon be a small storm.


Just as Xie Meiyu's aura stopped being felt in the Great Forest, she felt how she was falling and thought she was about to collapse from exhaustion, so immediately bit her tongue hard to wake up, but strangely enough, the next thing she felt was a change in the atmosphere and opened her eyes in shock...

'What?' She thought as she looked around the living room of the house where she had been staying in Asgard City.

She couldn't understand what was going on, but just at that moment, Tang Yin raised his hand a little and stroked Xie Meiyu's cheeks, surprising her, and she looked at him.

"Tang Yin, you're alive!" she said with great happiness when she saw Tang Yin's half-open eyes, and her eyes filled with tears.

But Tang Yin could not respond. Soon his raised hand fell, and his eyes closed.

This frightened her.

"TANG YIN!" she shouted scared, and not knowing what to do, she quickly looked around, and unable to understand why the hell she was in her house, she quickly ran to her room and put Tang Yin there.

Just at that moment, she noticed that on Tang Yin's chest was a small golden feather.

'A golden feather?' She thought doubtfully and grabbed it, but just as her hand touched this, it disappeared, leaving her a little dazed.

Still, she soon stopped paying attention to this and shook her head to compose herself a bit.

She was very exhausted and dizzy, but she began to clean Tang Yin up as best she could...