Time to do the tests

Tang Yin frowned, 'Is he that guy's son? Shit, a Spiritual Supreme sure is dangerous.' Tang Yin thought.

Still, after having thought a few more things, he smiled.

"It's okay, don't worry about it. Anyway, it's not like we're enemies, I don't think I did something to make him become my enemy by his will." Tang Yin said, and she then nodded a little.

"Okay..." She replied, and Tang Yin nodded.

"Let's go inside, Lixue, come. Before we go to face the elite disciple trials, I want to teach you a few things." Tang Yin said as he walked inside the house and was followed by both beauties.

Once inside, he made Bai Lixue sit in a cultivation room and began to teach her a spear cultivation technique, one of the best he had with him.

Tang Yin took out his own spear to explain to her different things and different ways in which she should grip her spear for each type of attack.