Against a Dragon (2)

The dragon noticed the ice phoenix's spear coming towards him, so it sneered and swung its claws to strike it to the side.

Still, he underestimated Qingyue's strength, so a powerful impact occurred the moment the dragon's palm and Qingyue's spear collided, pushing him slightly backward, this was an oversight on the dragon's part, as Tang Yin was able to approach his chest and with a single motion, slam his spirit spear into him.

Pushing him back a step from the impact. Although the impact was not as powerful as the first, it was enough to slightly destabilize him, a moment that Tang Yin took advantage of to disappear and appear above his head.

He then moved and threw his spear forcefully at him...


A big explosion came from this powerful blow, but Tang Yin had no time to waste. He immediately bent his body while using his spiritual bones to forcefully strike several earthen pillars that rose to hit him.