Little trick

Even so, the large-scale combat against Tang Yin's group didn't pick up as some came to think.

No one is stupid. To do that would be helping the rival groups as well, and in such a fight, if the attacked group decided to use their last resources, they would likely eliminate several contestants from their membership, so no one would risk doing something like that.

So, they simply allowed one group to come up and do it.

Even so, this group was shot down just as easily as the other, so these close groups became more anxious.

All in all, they still allowed a third group to approach them.

This group ended up no different.

At this point, many frowned.

'What the hell is going on?' they thought.

It was then that a group of 10 in the distance who were watching this intently understood what was going on.

They had had a privileged perspective to watch this fight from the beginning.