The Gods Get Angry

The impact startled those outside, who quickly went to see what happened.

"Yun'er!" shouted the Supreme God in shock as he saw that the Divine Son of his Supreme Hall had been struck down and was in a pitiful state. He wasn't even conscious.

This left them in shock; how on earth had the Supreme Hall's Divine Son lost when he was using his greatest trump card?

The newcomer also had to shut his mouth when he saw this.

Just then, the large domain above the combat arena tore from side to side, and after a thunderous sound that reached everyone's ears like the sound of many broken glass, the domain came crashing down.

Gradually, the situation became more visible in the arena. Su Lian and Jia Yijie fell to the ground; they looked slightly injured after the destruction of the domain, while Tang Yin ran over to them to hold them up.