A path of revenge that knocks at the door

Perhaps no one could see the state of the northwest region at this time, but the destruction was almost irreparable. It was a war that did not seem to be far-reaching, but the truth is that it caused nearly the destruction of an entire region.

Perhaps the continent would never know about this if it was only in the hands of the central region, but...

Deep within a strange place, which was deep within the border between the northwest region and the northern region, were the people who also knew what had happened there.

This place had beautiful, highly sturdy, and well-decorated walls, giving a sense of elegance. Still, this place had an abundant source of spiritual energy connected with an extensive network of dark tunnels built with some strange ore.

The room was large and spacious, so no one felt cramped despite the many people there. But there were also several doors leading to different rooms.

All of these halls had something in common.