Threaten Tang Yin?

They were all stunned when they saw this person appear.

His face looked more splendid than before, and although they couldn't recognize him with the naked eye, as he was too different, what they saw recently in the transmissions he made across the continent made them realize who exactly he was.

"Tang Yin!" shouted the main Sun God.

Hatred swirled in his mind when he saw him, and he couldn't help but feel his muscles ache and burn at the sight of him.

Tang Yin smiled at him.

"Hey, Sun God. I thought you'd be more recovered, but you can barely even stand up." Tang Yin said, smiling; along with his words, a large amount of powers present rose.

Tang Yin ignored them and looked at a guy standing silently behind the Sun God.

"I never thought your former disciple would be so quiet, Shi Yue." Tang Yin said as he looked to the side.

In that position, Shi Yue appeared out of nowhere and shrugged her shoulders.