A mysterious figure (2)

"Divine Soul... I see, so it's you." He said softly and stood waiting for the soul before him to speak.

But no matter how much time passed, Tang Yin did not speak.

"You don't speak?" the man asked once again.

His voice was strange.

It sounded as if it came from a faraway place despite being in front of him. Also, it was thick and echoed in this place. A strange echo.

No, it didn't sound like an echo. It was more like the voice was coming from a place as far away as...

'Antiquity... A voice so ancient that it sounds like it came from ancient times...' This was what Tang Yin could think of to explain this.

But what was the point of this, a voice coming from antiquity? He had never heard anything like this, so he could not understand why such a thought came to him.

Moreover, even though he knew that this man was speaking to him, he could not answer him.

His soul was not reacting.