Did something surprising happen?

"Tang Yin? I'm still confused about what you did. How can you explain that I've come so far now?" she asked when she noticed that Tang Yin had stopped and was looking at the beasts again.

Tang Yin smiled at her, "It's an ability I have. It's called Cultivation Transfer; I can transfer cultivation from one body to another. Amazing, isn't it?"

"That's... Does something like that really exist? I had heard that there were demonic techniques to do it, but I've never seen them..."

Tang Yin smiled. "My skill is many times better, so you don't need to ask too much. I have to go back to the northwest, so I'll give you several things to train you." He said this and quickly sat down in front of the beasts.

Then he cast his fire towards them, "I'll be doing alchemy for a moment. While I'm doing that, listen carefully." He spoke.

Then, the fire began to burn on these beasts, but this time, Tang Yin's silver soul fire came out differently.