Central Skill of the Law of Control

Tang Yin had always wondered, what kind of abilities could the Law of Control have? And although he has had many theories in his head, in none of them did he hit the mark because he didn't expect the first core ability he would receive to be one he technically 'already knew about'.

-Energy Source or Power Source.

The name says it all. But it's more incredible than it sounds.

It was surprising that one of the Law of Control's central abilities had this name, but being a Central Ability means it is part of the Core of the Law of Control, just like the Aura of Control.

It has several functions. At least the ones he knows about for now.

The first is that it can create highly pure spiritual energy. This spiritual energy can be used to transfer to someone else for cultivation, but the amount of spiritual energy created is limited by the amount of Tang Yin and the target person's capacity.