Amazing discovery?

In a place of darkness, two pairs of eyes appeared out of nowhere overhead.

One of them was startled by the presence of the other.

"Did you feel it too, Sir?" A thick voice rang through this huge, dark world.

"Are you the one in charge of this territory? Whose Heir is it? I sensed a strange and extremely powerful presence a moment ago that seemed to come from this place." The second voice was of tremendous power and made the surroundings roar.

The one that appeared first responded quickly. "Sir, this territory belongs to the Divine Heir. I am the one in charge of receiving him."

"The Divine Heir? What was he doing then?"

"I don't know, Sir. This isn't the first time I've felt such a presence; it's just that this one seemed to be from somewhere else within the Primordial World; it didn't feel like a real person. Last time, it was a person."