A very fast mission

Suddenly, an enormous amount of powers were unleashed upon the curtain of the Eternal Sea, causing the brothers to shout towards Tang Yin.

"Quickly, they are too many and too powerful; even the Eternal Sea won't hold!"

Tang Yin nodded to Qingyue and Qingyue then opened her arms high up, flying out on her own and letting a huge phoenix out from her back.

A terrifying coldness girded over the surroundings at the sound of a huge phoenix's roar. This roar was so thunderous that it caused many people's ears to suddenly pop, bringing pain to many of those present. At the same time, various attacks flew from within the curtain of the Eternal Sea outward and slammed into many of those who were now attacking it.

As they struggled, Tang Yin quickly reached the designated place.

This was, in essence, a super big cliff. Well, that was the name it was called, but in reality, it was nothing more than a huge gap between giant mountains.