When he touched firmness, he had to jump aside because a huge beast followed him and tried to swallow him. It was a snake, and its face was like 10 Tang Yin, but it did not come alone.
A fish tail almost crushed him, as did an octopus tentacle. All giant things lunged at him, trying to swallow him or grab him somehow.
Just when he thought the onslaught was over, a huge snake head came out, looking to swallow him. It was the same strange snake he had seen before, extremely large.
Its jaws could cause fear to anyone who saw them because they were too big, but Tang Yin didn't care. The beast didn't count on the fact that he could already fly here.
Just as it was about to be swallowed, Tang Yin shot out, flying at great speed, managing to quickly get away from the place.