"Former Zinnia's past III"

"Sister? She's not deserving of that title! I refuse to acknowledge her as a sister, not after she tried to abduct my betrothed! Arrest her immediately!" Theo demanded.

The King let out a disapproving click of his tongue and spoke sternly, "Theo, I understand your anger, but you must compose yourself. Hasty decisions won't serve us well."

Theo shot an angry glare at the King, retorting, "Compose myself? How can I, with a kidnapper among us?"

"The decision regarding the culprit rests with the victim, Theo! Let Grand Duke Zemislav decide!" The Queen interjected, his tone matching Theo's frustration.

Queen Julian approached Zemis with a serious expression, asking, "Grand Duke, what course of action do you propose in this situation?"

Theo suddenly clasped Zemis' hands, almost pleading, and in a soft tone, urged, "Say that you wish to imprison her, Zemis."