"Recounting Past Memories VIII"

In a timely fashion, as if following a scripted cue, she was abruptly stabbed in the back. Zinnia felt the knife turn, and the assailant swiftly withdrew it, causing her to bleed.

"It's sad to have to end you like this, Princess. I would have liked to play with you a little more."

Zinnia couldn't fully turn around, but she heard every word Matilda whispered in her ear. Before she knew it, she tumbled to the floor.

Losing a significant amount of blood, she still managed to cast one last glance at Zemislav's horrified expression as she drew her last breath.

And with that, her second life came to an end. She exerted every effort to make amends, altering her perspective and appeasing those around her to alleviate the guilt she carried. Yet, her existence concluded in agony and sorrow.