Learning a Martial Technique

3 months quickly passed. and the god forsaken beast tide had begun, the sheer number beasts coming out of the forests in waves reaching further than the eye can see, small mortal settlements were destroyed one after an another all throughout the realm, cry's ringing out into the sky this naturally included the place where Lin Tian was previously staying, the once, small market was nothing but rubble now the residents had long since evacuated into other places in hopes for protection or if they could afford it they would move into the core area where it was much safer.

The core area truly lived up to it's massive pricing, the Red Siege gang usually uses quite the considerable amount of spirit stones collected via the rent to invite earth grade formation masters to construct large amount's of defensive formations around the core area, due to this the live's of the residents of the core area were undisrupted, in fact it was even more lively than usual, talisman and alchemists were charging exorbitant prices making themselves quite rich, the hunters who were consuming these items were making large amounts of money as well since the beast tide has given them ample opportunity to set up traps and such due to their frenzied state all in all the beast tide was highly profitable for most individuals who had the strength to capitalize on it.

On the eastern side of the residential courtyards, a handsome man just walked out of his courtyard he had a pondering expression on his face as he thought to himself

'Since the tide has started I have been the only charging normal prices for my services, this has not only saved me from the eyes of robber's who might decide to drop by but it has also made sure I am well liked through the core area by the hunters giving me some sort of protection, should I be hurt or robbed, the hunters are the ones who will be damaged the most since I am the only who provides them the pills for cheap at the moment, anyway the measly amount of spirit stones I can earn from charging exorbitant prices at the moment are not even enough to be considered, the losses will outweigh the benefits should I go along with the trend'

This person was naturally Lin Tian. He was currently on his way to purchase more of the materials needed to make the beast concealment paste.

As he was walking he caught site of robbery happening a little further east towards the edge of the formation, the victim? one of the few alchemists in the core area who decided to charge exorbitant prices.

Lin Tian smirked as he continued on his way to the market, he was truly pleased with his decision on not increasing the prices of his goods otherwise, some of the hunters who had far more fighting experience than him would be the 1st to rob him even though his cultivation technique makes his far stronger than it should be for someone at his level it is still not enough to beat a group of experienced fighters especially since he hasn't put in the time to learn a combat technique yet.

It didn't take long for him to fetch the goods he needed, he quickly went back to his courtyard only to be greeted by his wife's long green hair fluttering through the wind as she sat on the Poarch of the house, she her eyes full of love as she looked at the small baby in her arms who was eagerly sucking on her right teat, that's right Lin Tian's first child, his daughter who he decided to name Lin Yu.

Lin Tian silently appeared in front of his wife before giving her a quick peck on her forehead illicit Ing a small smile to form on her face as she said

"Yu'er is looking extra cute these days"

Lin Tian smiled as he responded

"Well she took after her mother"

Lin Tian chatted with his wife for a little longer before making his way inside, he needed to prepare the beast repelling paste,

He quickly tossed all of his ingredients into his furnace as he used the whisp of his qi to heat and merge them, he repeated this process for quite a while before he suddenly heard the evening bugs making their annoying sounds, he quickly wrapped up his final refinements, not bothered to look at the screens his system were producing right in front of him since these small amounts of exp were far from what he needed to level up, the birth of his child had given him a whole years worth of cultivation, allowing him to become a late stage Body refinement cultivator as well as a high grade alchemist, Lin Tian estimated that in around six more months of cultivation he will reach level 8 body refinement! this was an unheard of cultivation speed, far beyond what any cultivator could imagine! the top geniuses of the realm would only have reached level 5 at most, by this time!, this naturally excludes the people born with divine physiques since those individuals are essentially taboo existences, Lin Tian understood why they are called taboo existences when he saw his wife had already reached the 6th level of Body refinement! although this is a earth shaking speed of progress for most, this was not Hun Yi Xun's max cultivation speed! during her pregnancy she was more focused on caring for her body than anything else, cultivation became a secondary thing and she still managed to reach this realm!

Lin Tian put his thought's aside as he pulled out a book from his storage ring titled " "9 slash flash sword" technique"

It was a high earth grade martial technique from the heavenly sword sect since he would soon be leaving this place he needed some methods to protect himself he quickly opened the book and started reading the contents, attempting to comprehend the technique

'The first step to master the 9 flash sword was to understand the body movements that occur through the process, these drawing must be the illustrations of each stance and form required to create the 9 flashes'

Lin Tian quickly started practicing the movements

'right leg forward, twist then the left sweeps forward to ensure a strong position for the lunge attack, right before you lunge yourself you have to imbude your qi into your feet before quickly transferring the qi into your sword holding arm'

Continuing to practice the movement Lin Tian didn't even notice the night pass by it was only when the morning bird's chirped did he notice the rays of light illuminating the his house but that didn't stop him, he continued practicing his movements again again until he didn't have to think about doing to movement for it to happen, as a high level body refinement cultivator Lin Tian naturally had no need for sleep for once a cultivator crosses the mini bottle neck of the middle stage of body refinement their body can be energized by the qi flowing through their body as a result from the refinement.

It took Lin Tian a whole 5 days to master just the body movements of the technique now he had to do the hard part which was mastering the qi movements within the body to make sure that the technique has enough power to destroy all those who face it.

Lin Tian quickly sat down before focusing on the qi within his body he tried focusing all of it into his hand and without too much resistance it worked, as a alchemist who is constantly manipulating his qi to make things, his qi control is far better than a normal body refinement cultivator.

After focusing all the qi in his hand he quickly tried maneuvering it to his feet but it was too slow due to him constantly having to make sure it didn't spread away throughout his body, so he continued practicing again and again until finally after another 5 days he had master the qi movements in his body.

Now, the final part of the technique, practising it with a sword, Lin Tian quickly pulled out a high earth grade sword and he attempted to execute the technique only to come to the realisation that his couple weeks of practice only allowed him to use 2 out of the 9 flashes!

Lin Tian had a determined expression on his face as confused practicing paying no heed to amount of time passing, in the afternoons he would focus on his alchemy whilst the rest of the day was occupied by him practising his martial technique and just like that hours became days and ways became weeks until he only had a month before his scheduled departure from the red siege's territory.

Walking out of the room which he coupes himself up in for the past two months Lin Tian was quite satisfied with the results, he had reached the level which would allow him to use 7 out of 9 flashes!

Seeing that it was night time Lin Tian quickly made his way up to the master bedroom where he saw his sleeping wife lay, her beautiful green hair scattered around the pillow, her jade like skin illuminated by the moon light, her perfect rosy lips slightly parted to allow her to breathe.

Lin Tian quickly made his way towards the bed as he started stripping he gently lifted the blanket off his wife revealing her perfect body covered in a comfortable night gown

Lin Tian slipped into the bed causing his wife's eyes to shoot open revealing the all to familiar emerald eyes that have always enamoured Lin Tian

Xuner had a surprised glint in her eyes before it was quickly replaced by one of joy as she wrapped her hands around her husbands neck

Her excited voice rung out

" Dear, I didn't think you would have came out for another month! "

Lin Tian let out a chuckle as he heard his wife's words but he was getting impatient, so he didn't bother responding he just gently met his wife's lips with his as he looked into her eyes which were slowly starting to get excited

Lin Tian quickly wrapped his around around Xun'ers before he started sucking, his hands started undressing his wife, he was truly impatient, he hadn't had his wife in quite the considerable amount of time!

Masterfully getting the gown off his wife Lin Tians hands went straight for for breast as he started squeezing them for a moment before his right hand started thrusting his fingers in and out of her sacred cave

Xun'ers moans rung out throughout the room

"Ahh, Ahn , Ahnhhn"

But this, naturally didn't deter Lin Tian he only quickened his pace until he felt a stream of liquid shoot out of her cave onto his wrists

He had a grin on his face as he gently raised his wrists while locking eyes with his now misty eyed wife, only for him to lick her juices of his wrist while looking into her eyes

Xuners face reddened with a blush but her embarrassment quickly faded as a loud moan was released by her when she felt her husbands powerful dragon penetrate deep into her


Lin Tian started heavily thrusting into her repeatedly as his wife's erotic moans kept ringing in his ears. Seeing hsi wife's giggling breast in front of him Lin Tian smirked as a idea came to him mind, he lowered his head to her nipple before he quickly ensnared it with his mouth just as he began sucking

Xuners eyes widened as she released a stream of her juices onto Lin Tian but this only excited Lin Tian even more, he momentarily raised his head form his wife's breasts, her milk dripping from the side of his mouth, his handsome face possessing a massive grin as he said

"There better be a lot more where that came from darling because you aren't getting a single break"