Chapter 14

"First of all, I would like to remind you that I truly am no expert and that, possibly, more often than not, we could fail in any new ventures." I began.

The conversation on how to improve our livelihoods took place at the table as we ate our dinner. The setting sun painted the sky and everything around the house an orange color, and a cool breeze was starting to blow. It was a nice scenery… My short and sudden appreciation was broken by Joseph's voice.

"Ven...tures?" Him and the others looked extremely confused.

"Ah, that is… a business." I explained in other words. It never occurred to me that they would not understand what I said. It was an oversight.

My speech was ingrained despite losing my memory, so I paid no attention to it. More so because neither of the brothers seemed to be having difficulties understanding me.

Probably they only had problems with some words. I had to make sure my words were as simple as possible. Maybe in the future I can teach them new words. For now, this conversation took priority.

"That's ok. We've faced lots of hardships, we don't bow down at the first problem." Joseph waved his hand unconcerned to what I said. The other brothers nodded, prompting me to speak without holding back. They allowed me to do so, right?

"Good, then," I got comfortable on my stool to start ordering my ideas. "Let us begin with improving what we have in the house. Planting our flower garden gave me the idea that we should also grow our own herbs. It irks me that we have..." I trailed off realizing I said another word that made them frown.

"Um, anyway, having our own herbs would help us cut down that expense-we will not have to buy. I am not sure if you are doing that in your patch of land." They shook their heads. "Right. Then, maybe we can first as around in the market what type of herbs are used for cooking, buy a few stalks, try to see if we can grow them by directly planting them in the soil." I took a sip of water.

"Another option for getting the herbs is to go looking for them in the mountains and transplant them like we did with the flowers. Whatever works best. Like that, we can save money from buying dried herbs to season our food. We can dry our own or even use fresh ones." Their pensive expressions told me they were at least considering my suggestions.

"Next should be the way we preserve our food. About this, we should truly ask around because I am the same as you: I only know the curing-meat-with-salt method. We need to learn several ways to preserve vegetables and fruits, too." More nods.

"That was, we can keep our products for ourselves, or at least most of them. With the money from the ones we sell, we can buy seeds to grow other vegetables or fruits. We are looking to grow all the essential vegetables, so we can reduce the expense of buying others."

"Our patch ain't that big…" Joseph, the one in charge of farming, mused. "I used ta work by sections, and it's hard to grow new plants where other vegetables used to grow. I can try remixin' the soil and start workin' by rows if we get new ones."

"If that does not work, then the next harvest will be greatly reduced..." I followed up with the consequence of introducing new plants and not being able to grow. Glancing at the front yard, I had another idea. "Can we grow vegetables in this soil?" I pointed at the expanse of compact soil.

"That..." Joseph trailed off. "I've heard trees can easily grow in the clay soil we've here, but haven't heard 'bout vegetables."

"In town, there're talks about paddies; flooded sections of clay soil. They grow rice innit. I'm not sure how true that is since people talk 'bout lots of things." Ethan interjected.

"Why haven't you fucking said so before?! We could've used this disastrous soil ages ago!" Joseph erupted, banging the table, startling me and making the dishes and cutlery jump.

Ethan glared at his brother, taking my hand to comfort me and replied. "Rice seeds or saplings are very expensive. With what money d'you think we can buy 'em to grow 'em?" Joseph choked at the truth of the question, all his rage leaving him immediately. It seemed it all came back to the fact the brothers were too poor to get a variety of vegetables to grow.

"Let us put aside the matter of growing rice if it is too expensive for the time being. Affordable vegetable seeds or saplings are our priority. Let us work on the herbs first, and ask for vegetables." They nodded, agreeing. "Next, regarding our sources of income." Ethan and Lucas straightened after hearing my words. They were the ones who have been providing the most income for the family.

"In no way I am disparaging the way you earn money. You have been doing well despite the circumstances. But we really need a stable source of income. It is true we can survive with what we get from the patch of land and the few coins you earn, but you know there are other expenses, like medicine or clothes or other miscellaneous objects that need money to buy them. That is why..." I trailed off, not sure how to say this without being rude.

Ethan wryly smiled. "We need ta look for a job. A stable job." I nodded a bit embarrassed. All people had their pride. So, I had no idea how they would react to my insinuation. So far, neither looked offended, which relieved me. "If it wasn't for Lucas hunting we wouldn't even know what meat tastes like, so I think he can continue doin' it. He can also start raisin' animals, like Mrs. Rabbit over there."

Lucas sharply nodded, agreeing with Ethan's idea. I also considered it was good, less dangerous and it could become on our prime source of meat and money if done well.

"I guess lookin' for a job will rest on me. It's true we need the stable income. Especially if we're gonna start new ventures in the future. We'd have to buy lots of things we can't get from out there in the wild." Ethan rubbed his temples, seeing the hard task ahead. His gaze, then, turned to me. "Speaking of it, there was an embroidery shop that wanted to speak with you. I showed 'em your 'kerchief, and the owner liked it."

"Really?!" I perked up.

"Yeah, the owner-lady seems to be in a pinch and's urgently lookin' for an embroiderer. So, she wants to see ya tomorrow." Ethan further explained the matter.

"Let's go!" I jumped from my seat, excited. The four looked at me surprised due to my reaction. My face flushed in the awkward silence that formed, so I gracefully sat back. "Sorry…" I coughed. "And that was my plan for the time being. I do not know if you have an opinion, a suggestion, or something you want to add." They shook their heads.

And that was how our conversation ended.

I sat in my newly made bathtub, enjoying a good soaking. I do not know how Ethan finished it so fast, and so well done at that! There was not even a leak and the wood felt very smooth to the touch.

He did say some sort of wood protector was missing; yet, because we had none, then the tub would not have that shiny hue.

Frankly, I was very satisfied with the humble job. Ethan really had an amazing talent for woodworking.

Now, relaxed and snuggly sitting in it, in the solitude of the kitchen where the bathtub was placed, my mind wandered and came up with many ideas on how to live well together with the brothers. Though, thinking about the brothers, my mind thought of to the dream I had last night.

Honestly speaking, I had enough clues to guess that my identity was not so simple, that what happened to me was not an accident, and that I had no qualms in accepting four lovers at the same time.

I am sometimes curious to know exactly what kind of life I had before losing my memory, but I also hesitate with the idea of really wanting to know where I came from, or if I wanted to return.

If the place I came from was worth returning to.

Even if it was, and if I did so, I would surely bring this family of four brothers together with me. According to my dress, money is not a problem for the five of us to live happily.

The brothers liked me… right? Well, I liked them. I would love to live my life with them, enough said. I just hoped they liked me the same way I did, and not the other way that only makes them want to paw my beautiful body and be done with it.

Although I would not complain, it would be a bit disappointing. If that was the case, then they could easily get another woman and leave with her to start their own family. Or throw her in this house to create chaos. Yes, chaos, because I would throw a tantrum if that ever happened.

I saw them first! With what right those shrews could come to take what was mine?!

Ah, but that decision did not only depend on me.

Haa, what to do? I really liked the four.

Oh well, we would cross that bridge when we get there.