Chapter 99

"It is happening!" Isabelle excitedly announced. The customers inside the store looked at her with startled gazes. "Ah. Sorry." She quickly apologized. 

It was still working hours, so she had to quell her enthusiasm to not bother the customers. The onlookers outside smiled at her reaction. Some of those onlookers passed by daily and they were witness to the progress of the dress.

They were also witness to the many expressions on Isabelle's face through the sewing. For the past few days she went from contentment, to uncertainty, to distress and finally relief.

Isabelle was indeed relieved. Organza was going to save the dress, she knew it! Well, ruffled Organza. The stitches had to be very tight and close together to get a very wavy texture. Dupioni and Shantung were perfect to hold Organza's texture. So, she planned to sew two more layers of ruffled Organza.

That way, when the Zibeline fabric covers the Organza, its lightness wouldn't affect the volume created by the Organza.

"Go eat." Mrs. Attile tapped on Isabelle's head. She always had to remind the young woman to feed herself because once she tended to lose the notion of time while sewing.

Isabelle blinked and looked up at her boss. Or, it would be better to say her business partner. There was no contract between them. Just an oral promise that they would help each other with any request they got.

For example, Isabelle would always recommend and buy from Mrs. Attile store. She did it with Marisse. And, if Mrs. Attile ever heard of someone wanting for a dress or a suit, then she would direct the person to Isabelle. 

Like at that moment.

"You need a dress to impress a young man." Mrs. Attile surmised of everything the young woman in front of her told her.

"Yes." The young woman flushed and nodded. 

The young man she talked about went to study at Silk Town after becoming the disciple of a teacher there. Apparently, the schools of Basin Town and Silk Town did an exchange the year before, and in that exchange among the most promising youngsters, the young man caught the eye of a teacher from Silk Town's school.

It had to be said that the school at Silk Town was better than the one in Basin Town, so the young man didn't let go of the chance to transfer to that school and did it without hesitation. 

The young woman was one of his classmates. They were friends before his transfer and kept communicating after it. She liked him from quite some time, but she wasn't sure if it was reciprocated. 

When she was told by him that he was attending a meal organized by the Principal, she saw her own chance and wanted to confess. 

And, she wanted to do it in a nice dress.

"I saw that other woman making the dress from outside. I think it's going to come out very beautiful." She praised, looking at the skirt that was still in progress. "So, I thought she could make one for me." The young woman said with a small smile. 

She had a calm and graceful demeanor, very quiet and gentle. Mrs. Attile thought that many guys must like her. But, the beauty only had eyes for one man.

Mrs. Attile had been married for close to 20 years. She had a 15-year old son that was too obsessed with military affairs. Unfortunately, he didn't have the body to become a soldier. He, instead, became a crazy for military strategies. 

If her son ever looked at a girl, Mrs. Attile the girl was like the young woman in front of her.

She wanted to help the young woman; however, they were very behind with making the dresses for the showroom her cousin's sister-in-law wanted to do. 

"And, you said the meal is in four days." Mrs. Attile wanted to confirm.

The young woman nodded. "I heard it's going to be at night."

"Hm..." Mrs. Attile didn't know what to do. "Why don't we wait for Isabelle and ask her?" Making a dress in such a short time, it was going to cost a pretty penny. The young woman didn't look like she lacked money, so maybe Isabelle was interested.

Although Mrs. Attile would like for Isabelle to prioritize the wedding dresses, she was not her boss to tell her what to do.

At that moment, Isabelle was glaring daggers at a not so contrite Ethan. They were both eating their lunch at the restaurant's employee's room. Ethan's lunch was, of course, made by the chefs at the restaurant while Isabelle's was made by Felix.

That didn't stop each other from sharing their food.

"I'm not going to apologize. Neither of us are." Ethan kept his opinion. They were married, if they wanted to please their Wife, then they were in their right to do it. She enjoyed it anyway.

"I am not asking for an apology." Isabelle claimed. "I just would have liked for you to tell me you want to have sex." She softly said.

Ethan looked around, relieved that the other waiters also eating their lunch were busy with their own conversations to pay attention to their intimate one. "It's not as if you will soon give us what we want." He complained.

"I want it, too." Isabelle sharply looked at Ethan, taking him aback. "And I do apologize for postponing it for so long. It is just that..." She sighed. 

"What?" Ethan tenderly grabbed her hand.

"Are we really prepared to have kids?" That thought of her not wanting to get pregnant, made her wonder if she didn't want to have kids. Maybe she was overthinking, but thoughts kept invading her mind.

What if she was not ready to be a mother?

What if their income was not enough to raise kids?

Was the house equipped to have kids?

Ethan's worries were tied to that last matter. That's why he had proposed his brothers to build another room. With the patch halfway done, perhaps he should raise the matter again. And, it would be good to have a supporter in the form of Isabelle.

So, he told her the plan, and was even sincere with the reasons: so she could peacefully work, to have space for kids, so she could have her own room, and to fully dedicate her nights to each of her Husbands.

"That is a marvelous idea!" Isabelle's eyes shone. "What do we need to do to start building it?"

"First, convince the others." Ethan grinned, making her giggle. "Then, leave everything to us." He handsomely winked. Her tinkling laughter filled the room. 

In a good mood, they shared a kiss and returned to their jobs. Ethan was obviously ribbed by the other waiters for kissing his Wife in such a public place. Isabelle was greeted by the picturesque scene of Mrs. Attile having a merry conversation with a young woman.

"Oh, Isabelle! Good you're back. I present to you Suzie, she came to ask for a dress." The older woman said. "Suzie, this is Isabelle. She can make your dream dress come true."

Isabelle's eye twitched. "You praise me too much, Mrs. Attile." Isabelle then looked at the gentle woman standing up to properly greet her. Suzie was… tall. Not as all as her Husbands, but definitely taller than her and Mrs. Attile.

"Very nice to meet you, Isabelle. I heard good things from Mrs. Attile about you." Suzie said in a pleasant sounding voice.

"Very nice to meet you, too." Isabelle's body quickly straightened and properly curtsied to the polite young woman. It was done out of reflex. "May I know how soon you want the dress?"

"Four days." Suzie immediately replied. Isabelle glanced at Mrs. Attile, who avoided her gaze.

"I am going to be very honest with you. I have to sew two dresses for an upcoming wedding in three weeks. I am very pressed with time. If you want me to sew you a dress so soon, then it is going to cost you a lot." Isabelle said, trying to gauge the other woman's reaction.

Suzie nodded. "I understand. How much are we talking about?"

Isabelle paused. She didn't think the other was very decisive. Truthfully, she had no idea about pricing her dresses. "Could you tell me the occasion you want it for?" Suzie readily recounted what she needed the dress for. "Night dress..."

"Bright colors are a must." Mrs. Attile piped up. Isabelle narrowed her eyes at her. Mrs. Attile looked away, properly chastised. Her words were the same as agreeing to the request.

"40 coins. That is without counting the fabric, which you will have to buy." Isabelle shot her price.

Suzie's eyes widened. "I…" She had no idea it would be that expensive. "Even if it's a simple design?" She tried to bargain.

Isabelle rose her eyebrow and looked at Suzie from top to bottom. She took out her notebook and pencil from her handbag and started drawing. Soon, three designs appeared. "Choose one."

Suzie looked down at the drawn dresses. She sincerely would not normally wear any of them, yet it was for a special reason. 

"This one." 

Isabelle nodded. "30 coins. Upfront. The amount will cover the fabric." If her design could make a couple get together, then she could compromise.