Chapter 111

I sighed relieved. A few days before the deadline, I finally finished the dresses. 

"You did a good job. I think you deserve to rest. Go home." Mrs. Attile grabbed my hand and patted it. My fingertips hurt because of all the times I pricked them with the needle and the pins. And my hands overall hurt from keeping them in one position for long periods of time. 

It was mid-morning, so I could really just go back and help in the house.

A couple of days ago, the people from the Office of Land Distribution had gone to the house to tax the land. Felix explained all the process and the reason for the new tax. It was understandable, but I hoped the Mayor did fulfill his promise of the increase only being for some months.

When I expressed that concern to my Husbands, they were surprised. They never thought of that possibility. There were not many honest politicians, I told them. 

In exchange I was surprised at the surety with which I said that. Was my family, the one I did not remember, somehow involved in politics? I hoped not.

"Thank you, Mrs. Attile." I sagged on a nearby chair, observing the finished dress. 

When all the cropped layers of the skirt were sewn, I immediately cut the sleeveless, off-shoulder top in the Charmeuse fabric and sewed it to the skirt. Then, with some Chiffon fabric, I made a sash that ran diagonally from the right shoulder to the left side of the waist.

For that dress, some accessories were necessary. I told Mrs. Attile to buy gauntlets and maybe some jewelry to accompany it. I had no idea how big the showcase would be and if the dresses would be sold, so I trusted Mrs. Attile to not spend too much on the rest of things.

Thinking of taking a good nap back home, I was reminded of something.

"Actually, I cannot go home." I said.

"Why's that?" Mrs. Attile looked at me as if she was demanding for an explanation. She might have been thinking that something happened with the guys.

"Yesterday, they started building a room for me." I replied. 

"Oh! For real?" The older woman brightened up and got in the mood to have a little chat. The only customer in the store was being attended by Ginna, so Mrs. Attile had nothing to do. 

"Yes. They dug around the area yesterday to build the bases, and I think they are going to set the bases today. I am not sure; I know nothing about construction." I shrugged.

"Me neither, so don't go around telling me that." She waved her hand. "Why a room now? Are you expecting?" She looked down at my stomach.

I quickly shook my head and my hands. "No, no, no… The room is to give me more privacy, AND in the case of future kids. The house is, admittedly, too small so they thought it would be good to have more space for the future." 

I was not going to divulge the last reason for the room because that was between us. 

Mrs. Attile gently smiled. "You got yourself good men."

I beamed at her. Though, her words made me wonder about her own Husband. "You have a son, right?" But I was not going to dig into that. Children was a safer topic.

Mrs. Attile huffed. "That boy lives attached to his father, leaving poor old me to treat my employees as my children." She teased.

I chuckled. "Did you not want to have more children?"

"I would have loved to have many more!" She wistfully sighed. "I was young and lively and didn't want to listen to him. So, I did something stupid. I lost our second child and the opportunity to have more." She recounted with a sad smile.

"I am sorry to hear that." I squeezed her hand.

"Well, in exchange for that, I got my Husband's love and care. Ours was an arranged marriage, you see. After that, I expected him to blame me and throw me aside. But he asked for leave in the military camp and raised me back to health." The expression on her face was very tender.

Surely many things must have happened between them while she was bed-ridden. And I was happy to hear that despite everything, it all turned out well. Mr. Attile was a very centered and matured person, even at that time, to stay by her side.

Or maybe he did like her a bit after getting married. 

"I am happy for you."

"Thanks. Then! What are you going to do if you can't return home?" Mrs. Attile's cheerful disposition returned after our forlorn conversation.

"I have to make some clothes for a scholar. Remember the woman who was indecisive in spending money for the fabric?" The older woman nodded. "I have to make clothes for her Husband. They are moving to another Town, so they want new clothes."

"Did you bring the materials?" Mrs. Attile frowned.

I nodded. "In the basket I always carry with me." Since the day I returned the box Mrs. Priddy gave me, I always carried my things in the colorful basket Felix made for me. I did not consider myself a seamstress, but I still daily brought it to the store with me. 

"Take a short rest before starting. There is tea at the back." She still reminded me. And I was definitely going to heed her advice. 

One cup of tea later, I was pumped up to start the new order. The idea was to make three shirts with the Flannel fabric and as many neck-wears as possible from the Sateen fabric. 

The Ryon daughter-in-law had panicked when I told her I needed the measures from her Husband. She had no idea. I could not work guessing the measures, so I asked her to compare her Husband's complexion with one of my Husbands.

The Chief's son turned out to be like Joseph. Skinny and somewhat short. With that base to work with, I started cutting the fabric. How could I not know my hooligan's measures? 

The style of the shirt was going to be a collared shirt I saw some people at the town offices wear. However, instead of making it short-sleeved, I was going for a sleeve that went past the elbow but not long enough to be long-sleeved.

I was also thinking of sewing buttons to make it look more professional. I had seen some buttons in Mrs. Attile clothes made from porcelain. They looked somewhat sturdy. Besides, I do not think a scholar would have a rough fight to break the buttons. 

So, making three collared button-up shirts was my plan.

As for the black Sateen fabric, I wanted to make a cravat, a short jabot, and maybe an ascot that could be used under the collar and not around the neck where it was usually worn. 

By the end of the day, I sewed one white shirt. 

Next day, the day Mrs. Attile parted for Silver City, I still arrived at the store to work on the second shirt; the crème color one.

The third day, I had to improvise a shirt with both colors; the front and the collar was made with the crème fabric, while the white fabric was used for the back and the sleeves. It was a bit weird in my opinion, but Ginna thought it was nice as the two colors were sober.

If Ginna said so, then it was fine. She had a good eye to combine colors.

The following day, I focused on the neckwear. Since they were small, they were quickly done. The three of them. Even some fabric was left. All leftover strips and pieces of fabric were of course going be given to the daughter-in-law. She bought the fabric with her money after all.

"They look so good!" Ginna praised not only the neckwear, but the whole combination. Three shirts, three neck-wear. The neckwear could be easily put on and taken off because they could be buttoned-up at the back. 

"I think so, too. I hope they like them." I smiled, proud of my work.

Ginna sniffed. "If they don't like it, they should consider making things on their own." I wryly smiled at her words.

"Now that this order is done, I can rest for a day or two before starting with the dress for the Commissioner's daughter." I stretched and felt my back pop. 

"You're so busy… I don't envy you." Ginna grimaced. "Though, you must earn a pretty penny, right?" She sounded interested.

"If you want to learn, I can teach you. I want to have an easy life, not work till death." I was not a workaholic like Ethan. Traveling to town back and forth every day was taking a toll on me. Being idyllic feeding the chicken and watching the rabbits grow sounded better.

"For real?!" Ginna excitedly looked at me.

"Yes. Whenever you are not busy with the store, you can help me with the dress." I said. If things went well, I could only make the designs and give advice to the ones making the order, and then let Ginna make them. 

She could even be paid more than half for it as sewing was not an easy job.

"Deal! You already promised so don't go back on your words!" She accusingly pointed at me.

I snickered at her actions. "Yes, yes, of course." I waved. It was mid-afternoon, so I thought of returning early. 

I wanted to deliver the order as soon as possible and not worry about anything for two days.

After letting Ethan know I was returning and to directly go home after his working hours, I rode on the cart and hit the road. I could finally drive the cart! It took a few more lessons from Ethan to get the confidence of doing it alone.

Because I tended to pamper Sunset with a fruit, it was very docile with me. So, he always listened to my commands. Though, I actually just let him walk ahead while I softly directed him.

When I arrived home, the only two villagers that accepted to help with the construction of the room were just heading back home. They nodded at me, I nodded at them and that was all the interaction we had. 

"You're early." Felix commented, leading Sunset into the plot after Lucas opened the gate. The cart was removed and pulled to the side while Sunset was given a soft brushing as a reward for his hard work. 

"I am done with the Ryon daughter-in-law's order, so I wanted to give it to her." I pointed at the basket on my back. 

Lucas walked up to us and took off said basket. "There's a woman looking for you." He, then, announced.

"Who?" I frowned. Lucas only shrugged. "Open the gate, I do not want to go around the plot." He nodded and we both went to gate. Once outside, I recognized the woman. She was the one who asked how much I charged for wedding clothes.

Since she had not returned, I guessed she did not want to make business. However…

"Make the wedding clothes. I have the money." She said, fabric on hand. "I need them for the following week."

My eyebrow twitched. "I make them, but it will cost you 5 more coins for the urgency." I was hoping to rest a bit from making wedding clothes. But there she came, asking-no, demanding to be made in such a rush!

"Just say you don't want to make them! Just a mere bought whore." She harrumphed and strode away. 


What did just happen?

"Crazy, that one." I concluded because I had no idea how to categorize such a weird person. 

"You ok?" Lucas asked, having heard the whole conversation.

"Yes. It is best to forget about that woman." I waved my hand, going into plot. The gate closed tightly behind me.

And, of course we could not forget about her as rumors about me started spreading.