Chapter 143

"You look as if you stepped on shit." Ginna gracefully commented on my mood.

"That's because I stepped on shit this morning." I grumbled. 

I was already regretting having let the pup sleep in my room. It slept through the night, but very early in the morning, it started whining and scratching on the door. I was too sleepy to get up and Lucas was injured, so I did not let him get up.

It eventually stopped whining, but then the smell came. Our reactions were immediate. Lucas jumped out of the bed, located the pup and practically rushed out of the room with it. It was still too dark for me to see anything, so I only felt the warm and squishy thing the moment by foot stepped on it.

Needless to say, Lucas not only cleaned on wolf poop, he also cleaned my vomit. 

Joseph just laughed at the situation and promised to sleep with me that night to let the pup out when it wanted to poop. Lucas needed to rest, after all. He could not be abruptly woken up and move so fast like he did at that moment. Ethan seemed still angry, so he did not volunteered for the matter, and Felix feared the wolf pup.

The whole thing was a mess that I did not know where to begin fixing. So, I did not even try. I just made my trip to town with Ethan and Felix in silence. Ethan did not bother to direct a word at me, and although Felix had the intention to start a conversation, his brother's pressure did not allow him.

Anyway, I had a more pressing matter to attend than to try to warm up Ethan's cold shoulder.

I eyed the man standing behind Ginna, and who was actually massaging her head. He had a normal appearance, neither handsome nor ugly. He was tanned from the sun and his clothes were rather worn. He was as tall as Joseph but way thinner.

He actually ignored everybody but Ginna. When I came in with Felix, he just nodded at us and kept massaging her.

"When is the wedding?" I asked, not wanting to beat around the bush. 

"Ah! The hell, Xandre!" Ginna yelled, rubbing at the spot where he clearly pulled on her hair. 

"So-sorry… I just…" The man panicked and flailed around, not knowing what to do. 

"Yeah, yeah, I know." She waved off his excuse and pulled his hands towards her shoulders, silently demanding him to massage there. He did so. "We haven't talked about it. We barely started living together, and I might regret having asked him to marry me in the future."

"Ginna…" Xandre pitifully called out.

She looked up and beckoned him to lean down. He so innocently approached and was pulled for a kiss when he was in reach. He stumbled back with a flushed face, looking very much as if he had been taken advantage of.

I worried for naught. Ginna was the proactive one in that relationship. 

"After the baby is born, then." I concluded.

"Most likely." Ginna nodded.

"Will you get by?" I asked her. Living in town was not going to be easy. They not only had to spend on groceries, but on rent, too. They would have baby expenses, too. I was not sure if the two had some saved money in case of emergencies. 

"All he can do is physical labor. You know that doesn't pay well. I'd rather he not work on something so unstable and dangerous, and just stay at home doing chores. In the future, he can also take care of the baby full-time while I work." Ginna said.

"You have thought up everything." I stated. It relieved me, as it did not seem as if the two were reluctant in their roles. They must have talked about it the day before.

"More like, I don't want for any townsperson to taken advantage of him. He's had enough of that at his parent's house. Did you know they all but threw a party when he told them he was leaving?" She glowered. I never thought Ginna cared so much for him.

"Did he not tell them he was going to live with you?" I rose an eyebrow. 

"Had no chance. The moment they saw him packing, they helped him and threw him out with big smiles on their faces." Xandre hurriedly went for a cup of water to help Ginna calm down. She gulped it in one go and exhaled.

Well, at least he was not so oblivious to her needs. I could not tell when it came to Ginna, but Xandre obviously loved her.

Meanwhile, my focused-on-his-job Husband ignored my needs. I eyed Felix who was cleaning the shelves and sighed. I was thirsty but he never looked my way or offered me anything.

To stop the creeping disappointment, I resumed my conversation. "Your job here will not be enough to live in town." She furrowed her brows. "I came to propose you something." 

I took out my sketch notebook and opened it on the latest sketches. In the end, I was able to draw five designs for the daughter of Mrs. Attile's cousin.

"If Mrs. Attile comes today, show her these designs, as soon as she chooses one, you will start with picking the fabric and cutting it. If possible, start sewing it." I said, startling her.

"I can't do that." She shook her head in fear.

"You have seen me sew two dresses. I am sure you can at least sew the skirt." I smirked at her. "Like that, you can take part of the money they pay for it." And that was the proposal. 

At first, I had wanted for Ginna to make the whole dress, and I would only be in charge of designing them. Of course, we would share the respective percentages. I did not mind taking less; after all, there was a Husband working, and another farming.

I could get by with the minimum, as long as we had food, other commodities could be put aside. 

But, somehow, that simple thinking took root for just a few days before it transformed into something more ambitious. However, she could not put those thoughts into practice due to her pregnancy. 

She felt she could power through it and just do things. However, he also understood her Husbands concern for their first child. It was not only them eagerly expecting the baby to be born healthy, she too desired it with all her might.

So, she was going to take it easy as much as she could. Then, after the baby was born, she could do everything in her mind. Nothing would stop her!

"I… I'm not sure I can." In a rare show of doubt, Ginna looked down. 

"When Mrs. Attile chooses one, I will explain to you how to start it. If we can do it together, it would be much better. That way, you can fend off by yourself next time." I patted her hand.

"Are you sure you want to do that?" She asked, still doubtful.

I stood and looked at the silent Xandre. "You have a man who will make your life more comfortable by being completely devoted to you. There is nothing to be afraid of. He surely is not like my men who forget about me the first time something gets in their head." I rolled my eyes. "I'm going. Have things to do around. Women have to do things themselves if they wanted to be done." 

I winked at Ginna, who smirked at me.

Then, I strode out of the store, ignoring Felix's pleading glance. It seemed that after seeing me all weak due to my pregnancy, they had forgotten I had a not so mellow temper. 

They had to learn to never forget that.