Chapter 2.17

In town, after Ethan directed Lucas to Isabelle's workplace, he hurriedly left to the workshop.

Seeing the delicate, embroidered pieces in exhibition, Lucas felt uncomfortable, inadequate even, in his tall and boorish figure. However, thinking about the suffering Isabelle back home, he deeply breathed and walked inside. The chiming bell startled him but he, otherwise, remained calm when he heard footsteps coming his way. A curtain behind the counter parted and a young lady came out.

She was scared seeing the rough man standing inside the store, was he trying to steal the wares? But he did not run away, so he was most likely a client. Reaching an unbelievable conclusion, she regained her bearings and wanly smiled at him. "How may I help you, sir?"

Lucas pursed his lips and eventually said. "My… Wife's bleeding."

The young lady was stumped. Was he dumb? "Ah, maybe you should take her to the doctor. If you don't know a good doctor in town, I can recommend you one." After all, if one is hurt, what good was it to go to an embroidery shop? Maybe the man was from one of the villages around town and did not know his way around town.

Lucas shook his head. "No." He rejected her offer. Well, it seemed talking to a woman was hard after all this time. But why was talking with Isabelle so easy? "She's in her… bleeding days." Right, since they were not Isabelle, then it did not matter what he said to them.

Sure enough, once he clearly explained, the young lady understood what he meant and furiously blushed. She was a single woman, and she had been taught since young that those days were a very private matter to a woman. For the Husband to know about it, it was so embarrassing.

"Each pad is 5 dimes. If you buy 12, it will only cost 5 coins." She replied with a low voice.

Lucas did not show it in his bearded face, but he was really shocked at the price. He had successfully saved 9 coins after a year of toiling around, and just like that more than half would be gone. He still had to buy new sheets and even the nutritious food for Isabelle Ethan told him to buy. Yet, he still pulled out the 5 coins and put them on the counter.

"Gimme the 12."

The young lady nodded. She quickly packed the 12 pads and gave them to Lucas who only nodded back and left the shop. She sighed relieved and patted her chest trying to calm her galloping heart. She was too nervous back then.

Not even a second after the man left, the front door opened again, but this time it was one of her fellow embroiderers who entered.

"Who was the man that just came out of the shop?" The woman, taller than the one manning the shop, asked.

"I don't know." The young lady shook her head and blushed again remembering what he had just bought.

The taller woman noticed her red face and teased. "What? You liked him? Well, can't blame you, he was very handsome. His beard looks rough and unkempt, but I know he is handsome under it. I wonder how it feels to be held in those big arms." She dreamily sighed, hugging herself. 

The young lady, Patricia, was used to her colleague, Cordelia, being very straightforward when she spoke about men. However, the man who just left was married, making Patricia uncomfortable with the comments. After all, she would not like it if another woman lusted after her boyfriend or Husband – whenever she got one.

When Patricia was about to warn Cordelia about the man, the door opened once again showing yet another of their partners: Amelia.

Patricia knew, then and there, that the matter of the man would blow out of proportions as Cordelia excitedly told Amelia about the man. The two were like droplets of the same pond: chattering and giggling about men all day long. Patricia just hoped the man would never show up in their shop again.

Ignorant of the mess he created, Lucas headed to the market. His plan was to first get the nutritious food, and then buy the sheets with the rest of the money.

Ethan had given him 15 coins for the sheets expecting him to buy at least three new sheets, two thick ones and a thin one. However, neither counted with the fact that there was a new type of sheets made of cotton that had recently arrived at Town, and that the ones they could afford, those made of linen, had disappeared all of a sudden.

Towns close to the border such as Basin Town were the last to be introduced the newest products from the Capital or from well-developed cities.

Cotton sheets had been introduced in the Capital two years ago, when Autumn was beginning. They became popular due to the softer texture and because they were very warm, especially those called duvets. Despite being in a cold region, duvets did not appear in Basin Town as they were the most expensive ones of the set; however, the merchants still carried thick cotton sheets to sell at the town's shops.

"The set of one thick sheet and two thin ones costs 30 coins."

As Lucas went around asking about the price of the new set, he became more and more dispirited. He admitted the quality of cotton sheets was many times better than the linen sheets – Isabelle would definitely love them – but 30 coins was the cheapest they sold the set for.

To the residents of Basin Town, 30 coins was a bit costly but still within their reach. Yet to him and his brothers, they were too expensive. And, to make things worse, it seemed all the sheets stalls only sold cotton sheets. He could not see anyone who sold linen sheets anymore! What bad luck they had!

The more he heard linen sheets were out of stock, the more distraught he became. The anxiety of his failure started crawling in his heart, so he walked out of the market to take a break.

Coincidentally, he stopped in front of a stall that sold herbs and saplings, and remembered that he also had to buy the nutritious stuff. He could start there! Ethan had not told him what to buy as the brothers had never cared about their diet, so Lucas was also at a loss on what was actually nutritious.

The owner of the stall, who turned out to be David, took pity on the tall man who looked very lost and approached him. "Is there something you're looking for?"

Lucas came to himself, and seeing David with an amiable smile on his face relieved him. He could normally talk with a man. "What's best for blood?" He asked.

"You want to nourish someone who has lost a lot of blood?" David questioned back as his mind came up with lots of options. Lucas nodded, prompting David to answer. "Green-leafed vegetables are good for it, like kale, spinach and even beans. These can prevent the fatigue that comes from losing blood. There is a stall around the corner that sells fresh greens." He pointed to the right.

Nodding his thanks, Lucas was about to take a step when he recalled something. According to Ethan, bleeding days for women came every month; meaning, Isabelle would suffer from blood loss very often. Would it not be better if they grew the plants and saved money from buying those vegetables each month?

Lucas turned to David and seriously asked: "You have them?"

David paused for a second, but quickly understood the man's meaning. "Kale is very popular with women…" For obvious reasons he was not going to mention yet both were aware of. "So, I'm out of stock. Spinach is not that well-liked because of its bitter taste," he said as he went around his stall looking for the spinach plant he had. Since few people bought it, his saplings grew to become small plants already. "If you use the leaves in chicken soup or even mince it and put it in the dough for the bread, the bitter taste disappears and you can still get the nourishing benefits."

Lucas looked at the small plant that looked like a common bush and doubted a bit. He was not good with plants like Joseph, so he was unsure if what David was saying was true or not. He was in a dilemma, but he still asked for the price. "How much?"

"Since it is already this big, it's going to be 1 coin." David said. He usually sold saplings at 5 dimes; but the more they grew, the higher the maintenance and therefore, the price; especially with that herb that did not sell that well.

Lucas calculated the amount of money he had and pondered if it was worth buying the plant. If it was cheaper, he would have readily bought it, but the problem with the sheets still plagued him.

He had expected to find a stall that could sell him at least one thick and one normal sheet at 15 coins and use his 4 coins for the food. But he quickly discarded that idea, not daring to ask about the beans plant, afraid it would cost the same.

Or, should he first search for the sheets and then come back for the plants?

Seeing the man's tangled expression, David knew he was adjusting his budget. It was a common sight from those who came from villages, so he patiently waited for the man's decision. He was a businessman, yes, but he was not so unscrupulous to force his products on people.

Furthermore, David was aware of the economic disparity between a village and a town. He would have loved to help the humble villagers, but living in town was not a cheap matter. One spent what one earned; if he lowered the prices even more, he would face bankruptcy. He doomed not only himself but his family, too.

Finally, Lucas made a decision. "You also have beans?" After all, he needed to know the prices to make a sensible decision. David chuckled, guessing Lucas' thoughts. Although the man looked slow, he was very sensible and firm. It kind of reminded him of that young lady from a few days ago who did not blink before spending all her money on saplings.

That was why David decided to help him a bit. "Tell you what you can do. Spinach is kind of easy to grow, but you'd need to cut stalks for it to grow more. Buying two will be enough for blood nourishing and casual cooking. Beans are 2 coins the medium bag of the best beans; however, you can plant them. It requires even more care, yes, but you won't make a loss if you're able to grow the best ones."

Lucas was surprised by the sudden help he received. It could be counted with one hand the number of people who had sincerely helped them throughout their lives, so he still felt strange and embarrassed at being aided, yet not less grateful for it.

He voiced his thanks and took out the two coins to buy the two plants. And with two pots in his hands, he walked towards the stall that sold cereals. Lucas made sure he bought the best beans for 2 coins before he headed towards his brother's workplace.

When in doubt, Lucas always searched for Ethan. And he wanted to know what to do about the sheets matter.

Maurice, the man who wanted to look for trouble with Ethan before, was once again at the counter. After his elder brother had beaten him up good for his schemes, he stopped making troubles with the employees.

He was the typical man who bullied the weak but boot-licked the strong. So, seeing Lucas' big frame entering the store, Maurice put his best smile and used his pandering voice to ask: "How may I help you, sir? We have the best furniture in town. Anything you want, we can make it for you."

Lucas just stared for a few seconds before finding the right words. "My brother Ethan works here."

Maurice's eye twitched and his smile froze. Why is it always Edris? He furiously roared in his mind, but seeing the huge man in front of him, he swallowed the harsh words he was about to spit and just walked to the back of the shop. Not long later, an annoyed Ethan appeared. "Make it quick, the guy has a face that wants to swallow me whole."

"30 coins for the set of cotton sheets. Nobody sells linen ones anymore." Lucas explained the reason he was there, making Ethan freeze in his spot, all his anger gone with the shocking news.

As the two stood there in silence, pondering on what to do, a guy walked into the shop, looking very nervous but eager at the same time. His eyes sparkled as soon as he saw the brothers and quickly approached them. "You guys look very smart today, that's why I've come to give you the offer of your lives."

Maurice, who had been nearby, eavesdropping on the brothers and snickering at their misfortune, quickly came out to shoo the man away. "No peddling allowed inside!" He exclaimed.

It was not the first time it happened: peddlers wanting to offer their wares inside the shop. Maurice was not trying to help Ethan, he just thought that once one peddler was allowed to come in, more would come as if they were roaches.

The man took offense to what Maurice said and angrily rebuked. "What peddler! You're the peddler! My family's just selling linen sheets!"

Everybody in town was aware of the new product, so those who used to sell linen sheets wanted to get rid of them as soon as possible to start selling the cotton ones. However, Maurice did not care as it did not affect him nor his family's business. "Get out, out! I said no peddling inside!" He insisted.

Ethan threw a quick look at his brother. Lucas caught the look and nodded, quickly grabbed the scrawny man, who cursed on his way out, and soon the two disappeared from the shop. Maurice was left stumped as he was eager to show his 'Trouble Personality'.

Annoyed at being stopped on what he enjoyed to do, he turned to Ethan and yelled at him, "What're you doing standing there?! Get back to work!" Ethan just rolled his eyes - either way, non of the workers respected the younger brother of the owner - and went back inside.

Lucas and the man walked a considerable distance away from the workshop. The man had closed his mouth, resigned about his fate. Some other families who were also in the linen sheets business were going door-to-door selling since nobody asked for them in the stalls anymore. He had encountered other men doing the same as him and threatening him to not sell in their territory or else…

He was not afraid of those who were as scrawny as him, but with the huge guy dragging him…

"How much?" Lucas suddenly asked when they arrived at a very quiet alley.

"Look, brother, I'm also trying to make a living with this. You don't have to be this aggressive and ask me how much I want to be beaten up." The man tried to barter.

Lucas could not understand what the man was talking about, so he ignored his words and asked again, "How much for the sheets?"

"I said I'm not-huh?... Wait, you want to buy sheets?!" The man exclaimed, receiving a look from Lucas as if saying 'I wouldn't be asking you if I didn't want to'. So, the man regained his bearings and quickly went back to his business self. "Right, right. You know it's always the set of one thick sheet and two thin ones for 15 coins. Well, you are in luck today as we have an especial offer of two thick ones and two… no, three normal ones for 15 coins!" He gritted his teeth and threw the hook.

Like that, his family was just getting back what they spent, but they seriously needed the capital to invest in the cotton sheets, so they had no option but to almost give them away for free. However, his hope dwindled when he noticed the rough man in front of him just stared back, probably wanting a better offer. Sadly, the man could not go lower than that, his Wife would kill him if he did so.

"I want them." Lucas said after coming out of his stupor at finding such an amazing offer, surprising the man who had been waiting for his words.

"Yes! Yes, right away! Follow me this way!"

Some time later, a happy Lucas made his way back home carrying the precious bag with the pads, two pots and a bag of beans in his basket, and a stack of sheets in his arms. Although he had spent all the money he carried, he considered it was a good investment. Even if Isabelle did not use all the sheets, they could replace Felix's one.

As his feet walked him on the familiar dirt road, he wondered how Isabelle was.