

I wanted to do this next week, but it seems my time has shorten more than ever this week too that I barely have time to edit chapters. So, I'm going to say this now.

I'm starting a job. Office job, 5 days a week, from dawn to dusk because traffic in my city is horrible. For the time being, I have Saturday and Sunday free, so updates are going to be on those days; meaning, I'm going to update just twice a week from now on. Then, my free days will change, thus update schedule will change, but I'm going to announce that when the time comes.

I'm sorry I have to do this, but as you know, writing doesn't give me any money. Right now, I don't have the drive to update everyday as required here to generate some income. So, it has become some sort of hobby. As such, I'm going to prioritize my job and try to update on my free days.

So, this weekend, you'll get only two chapters.

Hope you understand my decision and not stop reading my novels. I do have so many ideas that I want to write, and will write, but I think they will take years at this pace. Well, I hope my situation improves in the next couple of years so I can focus back on writing. Either way, I'm hoping that this job doesn't consume all my energy, so you can still have updates on the scheduled days.

Thanks for your understanding and support!

And take care!