Heaven Agent

"Master, as dusk descends upon us, the laws of Atlantis forbid humans from crossing the wall after nightfall. Yet, there's a way, Master. You can explore the Grey Area using your Virtual Reality Avatar," Dea's voice, a symphony of delicate chimes, echoes directly into my mind, her nanobot essence vibrating with a subtle warmth.


"Virtual Reality?" I murmur, my eyebrows knitting together, my senses tingling with curiosity and anticipation.


"With all my heart, I urge you to open the starter kit pack," Dea responds with a gentle nudge.


'Does Dea have a heart?' Now is not the time to ask.


Eagerly, I unveil the contents of the shimmering blue box. A delicate scent of somewhat metallic and plastic aroma wafts from within. My fingers caress a bottle filled with luminescent blue pills, intricately woven garments, and a drone, reminiscent of those I've glimpsed soaring through the city's amber sky.