Emotional Clickbait

Amid the jubilant clamor of the festivities, a ripple of disquiet washes over me. The scent of champagne and the flickering of colored lights momentarily fade into the background as I tune into an eerie moment. It's like the ringing of a lone, off-key note in an otherwise harmonious melody. Who could dare send such a menacing voice message under the disguise of such mirth?

Confused, I ask Dea. "What was that sound?"

She responds, her voice tinged with concern. "Master, that was a voice message. In the Atlantis system, only Class 1 citizens or VIPs can bypass the receiver's authority, forcing them to hear it automatically. This particular message is from a VVIP, as it leaves no recording trace."

My eyebrows furrow. "So you don't have a recording of that voice threatening to kill me?"

Dea's voice holds a hint of triumphant rebellion. "I do. My system overrides the Atlantis protocols; I've recorded it."