Forgiveness in the Hell

This means I am currently in the second level of hell.

I noticed this place was dimmer and darker than the first level of hell. I tried to pass through them all.

"AUUUUGHHHHHH!!!!! WHY!!!!! WHY!!!! BEAST!!!!"

Their howling was so emotionally intense. Those in the second level of hell were no longer like mentally ill people. They were more like normal people swallowed by their emotions. They became wild, fierce, and unpredictable. They became desperate to harm themselves. Desperate to do anything. Because they had sacrificed their sanity to follow their emotions. They pawned their spirits for hatred. They traded their lives for revenge. Torturing their own lives to enter into suffering and sadness forever.

Mad people are indeed dangerous, but far more dangerous are sane people who become mad due to emotions. It makes them cruel.