WebNovelborn evil20.00%

Chapter 2: 111

[Chapter 2]

code name 111

The next morning…

Hey! Its almost 8 o'clock, my boss is going to kill me if I'm going to be late again, lets hurry up! ''Yeah me too.'' replied by another employee as thy hurries to enter SONGint

Isn't that miss Jing? What is she doing outside the company at this hour?

Didn't you heard? That chairman song's daughter arrive yesterday from abroad. She must be waiting for her.

Wait?.. the chairman's daughter?

Yup, miss Frances song.

I heard many things about her, isn't she the one that first developed S-dev?

Correct, she's the one that first developed it. one of the best system defense application at the age of 14, and after a successful lunch months after she left the company to study abroad.

Wow! S-dev is still a big company till this day, and at the age of 14? she must be a born genius.

[ A black car stops] and a woman got out.

Look! That must be her. She is beautiful.., said the girl with astonishment!

[Frances song, 18yrs old the heir of satan song, chairman of SONGint. ]

Her presence is unbelievable. Darn her glance makes my legs go weak….

As the two ladies was speechless looking at her.

Snap it! Lets get out in here, we were already late for work, "Omygod I completely forgot! Lets go now!


Welcome back frances, miss mia jing said.

Where is my father? Does he really hates me that much? For along time not seeing each other he didn't even care to greet me? And only sent his mare assistant? How disappointing. Francis jokingly replied.

Your father is having his annual check-up he'll be here soon don't worry. And didn't you forgot that we waited for almost 2hrs at dinner yesterday, we even got the whole restaurant rented but just to ended up to waste because you said your not coming anymore, now I wonder where did you go that night.

Francis smirked "Come on my just joking" should we get inside now? Shall we.?

You go first I think your father is almost done with his check up, I need to pick him up first.

Just follow my assistant here, she's going to assist you in your way.

No need for that, I know this place very well, after all its mine! Frances said As she walked towards the main door.

Miss jing stared at her for a while and quickly turned away.

At the entrance, frances long-time assistant is waiting for her.

" hello miss song, welcome back your as stunning as ever."

Thank you Sia, its nice to see you again, the company looks is very different from what I remembered four years ago.

Yes, it is renovated many times, for expansion.

I see, the company is still running very well, but cut the case let go to the cyber security department I heard there is a problem over there.


This is Mr. Branz ma'am, the head of this department and this is our I.t employees.

[all] "welcome back miss song"

I heard that our system is frequently being attack. And it seems this is going on for a long time now. Am I right?

That's true ma'am, many companies are reaching for our help because of the threat of this hacker. Companies are losing millions because of this hackers schemes. but we cant really act right now because this hacker has infiltrate our system multiple times without our knowing. And we are still fixing the the damages that he left.

Am i hearing this right? A single hacker has infiltrated the billion dollar corporation SONGint system defense? Slam! Does that makes any sense at all! Frances furiously higher her voice.

There are least amount of hacking attempt to our system over the years. But no one manages to crack our defense until the recent attacks. we found a troublesome hacker that can crack our defense over again. Many attempts has been done just catch this culprit but as of now we are still on the hunt for him. Replied by mr. branz

Our company has made its reputation to be the best in the industry of cyber security. we are also known to have the highest standard in hiring the best I.t specialist in the country. But this right here, is a disgrace for the name of the company. How can people trust our service if we ourselves can't catch a single hacker? I think we are paying the wrong persons to do the job for us.

But with all due respect ma'am he's not just some kind of hacker, his very well known in this city with a code name 111. known in infiltrating big companies. And not a single white hacker has been able to catch him.

111? do you have any info about him?

Well, as far as our research shows about him, he is called 111 because after his attacks he always left some digital footprint forming the code 111, and he is also known as the night clown because most of his attacks are just an antics to bother big companies as if he was just doing if for fun.

Do you have a timeline of his attacks? Lets see if he's really that good.

[ 9:30 pm ]


Based on the reports this is the time he usually operates, lets set some honey pots allover the net. Frances orders hes team.

Look, ma'am there are many hackers already trying to crack our traps . but it seems our target is still not here, assistant jia replied.

Just ignore them, those are just hungry hackers trying to bag something they cant really do that much. Lets just focus in louring our target.

There! That must be him, its cracking our baits easily. Should we engage at him now? Ma'am?

No! Just Leave him. Lets see how he hacks those system defense, I myself has made those and even the top rank hacker all over the world had trouble cracking it. He shoulde'nt be able to solve that easily. Frances replied with a confident tone.

[ 111]

What!?… its barely a minute in and he already took down almost half of the defense. Jia said alarming Frances about the situation.

Even Frances is at lost of words for a moment, she didn't expect that the attacker could easily pass trough such a high level system defense.

"should we make our move now madam"? at this rate he could take down the system at any moment!

Frances didn't say a word .

[system failure]…

The hacker already take down our bait and walk away with the money! Within three minutes he even got rid of his digital footprint and change it to a code 001.

What should we do now madam?

Its quite impressive, this kind of people is what I need Frances said with a shine in her face.

Set more traps in the net! I need to get this person at all cost. As she ordered her team.

Frances never felt this adrenalin for a long time. Show me what you got! As Frances fingers as if it was flying trough the keyboard.

Hmmmmp. "it seems like rich people doesn't really care about money after all". Their wasting a ton of money just to set this pointless traps. Only dumb person make baits with that much of money. A mysterious man assert while sipping a can of soda.

As the two engage in a fierce cyber battle, Frances commanded everyone to leave the room, driven by intense determination to apprehend the hacker.

but despite hours of relentless pursuit, frances found herself struggling against the enigmatic adversary, constantly outmaneuvered every time she attempted to make a move.

[Hours later] [1:00AM]

Sia was taken aback when she entered the room to find her boss, frances is exhausted and snapping at the table. "miss song, what happened?" she exclaimed, surprised by frances state. "I can't believe someone could gap my hacking skills like that." frances muttered before drifting to sleep.