Twilight Embrace-I

Icy air envelope them.

He was a child.

An unchosen child.

loneliness bottled inside Magnus since a young age. Someone said that too much poison since childhood can cause someone to forget the pain of dawning a poison. Was it the same?

The loneliness he suffered was far too often that he didn't feel it to be loneliness anymore.

She deepened her breath and pillowed her head between his soft chest, "Do you resent them?"

Magnus's voice reverberate from his chest like a slow lull, "I can resent them so much, hate them, despise them, feel angry, but in the end of the night, I am still their son. Children wouldn't know how to stop loving their parents even if they suffered from that love."

His sentence was heavy, brief, but it told enough for her.

Magnus does care about his parents and there won't be a time when he won't.

She thought about his suffering, watching his mother dying on his arms as she chose to die with his father.