Chapter 1: One of the longest chapter in this ff.

In the midst of a catastrophic battle, ROB, the Observer of Realms, found himself on the brink of annihilation. His kin had been decimated by the malevolent Evil Gods, and he was powerless to stop it. Bitter thoughts swirled in his mind as he gasped for breath, contemplating his impending demise.

"Huff... huff... Shit, in this case... I am going to die," ROB muttered to himself, his voice laden with despair. He cursed the very gods who had brought destruction upon his people. "Damn those Evil Gods... They actually destroyed my kin... And here I couldn't do anything..."

The weight of helplessness pressed down on him. He wondered if this was the end, if all his existence would amount to was a futile struggle. "If this goes on, I will not be able to do anything... Is this the end... That's it..." ROB's thoughts trailed off as he contemplated his grim fate. He couldn't help but envy mortals who had gods to pray to. "At least those mortals got gods to pray to... Now, who do I pray to..."

As he teetered on the precipice of oblivion, a glimmer of hope appeared in the form of a small, glowing orb. It caught ROB's attention, and as soon as his eyes locked onto it, he recognized it for what it was—a mortal soul. His astonishment was palpable. It wasn't the presence of a soul that surprised him; rather, it was the soul's pristine condition.

Most souls in such dire circumstances would deteriorate and fade away, but this one was different. It radiated with an aura of resilience, as if it had defied the void of death itself. ROB couldn't believe his senses. A soul that could endure the void of death held infinite potential.

Realization struck him like lightning. If he could fulfill the wishes of this remarkable soul, channeling his own life force, there might be a chance to eradicate the Evil God clan completely. Without a moment's hesitation, ROB summoned his waning life energy to create a protective dome around the soul. He left a fragment of his own essence inside the dome before fading away, a faint smile on his lips. He had glimpsed the future, and it filled him with satisfaction.

Meanwhile, on a different plane of existence, a man named Karan reflected on his life. He had spent forty years serving his country as a SPYDER agent, a covert operative known for mastering every aspect of martial arts and weaponry. His accomplishments had earned him the reputation of being the strongest human of his era.

Yet, despite his heroic deeds, Karan couldn't help but carry a single regret—he had never experienced a proper childhood, and love had eluded him. "Uh... 40 years," he mused as he lay in a pool of his own blood, his thoughts a testament to his resignation. "I have lived my life for the country of mine. I have no regrets since I have lived my life to the fullest, even though I was protecting my country behind the scenes."

His life had been defined by duty and sacrifice, leaving little room for personal fulfillment. "The only regret I have is I didn't live my childhood as I should have, due to certain circumstances," Karan acknowledged, his voice filled with a sense of resignation. "I didn't have any love life either."

As he pondered his life's journey, Karan's world faded to black. Sensations vanished, and he found himself in an empty, featureless void. It was a disconcerting experience, not knowing where he was or what had transpired.

But then, an inexplicable sense of euphoria enveloped him. Karan couldn't understand why he felt such immense joy, as if a tremendous weight had been lifted from his soul. As his senses fully returned, he heard a voice calling out to him.

Turning in the darkness, Karan's eyes widened in disbelief. Standing before him was none other than the God of Destruction, Shiva—a deity revered by many and revered by Karan himself. The very god he had turned to in moments of despair, who had consistently guided him out of dire situations, now stood before him.

Overwhelmed by the magnitude of this encounter, Karan was rendered speechless. His mind raced with disbelief, struggling to comprehend the presence of a god he had held in the highest regard.

Shiva, observing the bewildered mortal before him, began to chuckle softly. Eventually, his laughter subsided, and he addressed Karan with a calm demeanor. "Dear soul," Shiva began, his voice resonating with wisdom, "I have witnessed your enduring loneliness throughout the millennia. I truly wish I could sit and converse with you at length. However, due to pressing circumstances, I am in a hurry."

Shiva extended an offer to Karan—a choice between continuing his existence in solitude or embarking on a new life. He could return to his previous existence or embrace an entirely different path. But there was a condition; he had to undertake a task for the god.

Having already encountered this kind of divine development in various tales and myths from his previous life, Karan remained remarkably composed. He understood the significance of the choice before him and weighed his options carefully.

Without hesitation, Karan chose to embrace a new life. Shiva, sensing the determination in his decision, nodded in approval. The god then sent Karan to the world of Naruto, endowing him with templates of formidable characters.

As Karan adjusted to this new reality, he heard the sound of a woman's terrified screams. It was a disorienting experience, but he quickly recalled that he was in the process of reincarnation, transitioning into a new existence.

Emerging from the darkness, Karan found himself in the arms of a beautiful nurse, his senses adjusting to the world around him. His gaze settled on a woman with fair skin, black eyes, slightly pointed ears, and striking red hair. It was evident that she belonged to the Uzumaki clan—a lineage renowned for its vitality and chakra prowess. To his astonishment, he realized he was the child in her arms—a newborn, beginning life anew.

As the nurse cradled him gently, he tried to decipher the muffled words spoken by the exhausted woman on the bed. His ears, unaccustomed to the sounds of the world, struggled to make sense of it all. But he couldn't help but notice that his mother, Uzumaki Luna, regarded him with a deep and affectionate gaze.

Luna, overcome with joy at the sight of her child, announced his name with a smile. "Your name will be Ryu, Hatake Ryu," she declared, her words filled with maternal love.

Although Karan was too young to fully comprehend the significance of this moment, he felt a sense of contentment wash over him. The love of his new family enveloped him, and the name Ryu resonated within him, even if all that escaped his lips was unintelligible gibberish.

Luna's happiness mirrored his own, and they shared a connection that transcended words. But their joyous moment was interrupted when the door swung open abruptly, revealing the figure of a man—the father of the child—Hatake Sakazuki.

With a typical, handsome appearance befitting a man in his late twenties.

As the warmth of his mother's embrace enveloped him, Karan, now known as Ryu, had just embarked on the journey of life in a new world. Born into the Uzumaki clan, his lineage bore the legacy of powerful chakra and vitality. Even though his ears were still adjusting to the sounds of the world, his mother's love was unmistakable. Luna's eyes radiated affection as she cradled her newborn son.

Ryu's gaze wandered around the room, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. The furniture, the soft glow of the room's lighting, and the soothing hum of medical equipment—everything was new to him. His mind was a blank slate, devoid of any memories of his previous life as Karan, the renowned SPYDER agent.

On this day, the Uzumaki clan, known for its vibrant red hair, had welcomed a new member. Luna and Sakazuki, Ryu's parents, had longed for a child, and their joy knew no bounds as they held their son in their arms.

Sakazuki, a man in his late twenties with the distinguished look of a ninja, couldn't contain his happiness as he gazed upon Ryu. He took his son into his strong, protective arms, his eyes reflecting the same affection that shone in Luna's.

Ryu, despite being just a newborn, couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging with these two loving figures in his life. In that moment, he made an unspoken vow to himself—a promise to protect his newfound family and to grow strong enough to shield them from any harm.

As Ryu's infantile mind processed these emotions, a subtle change took place within his very being. It was as if his will and soul underwent a transformation, and a mysterious voice echoed in his head.

The cryptic message hinted at something significant, yet it remained shrouded in mystery. Ryu's consciousness drifted into a deep slumber, returning him to the boundless darkness of existence.

After a few days, His system was installed and he was eager to know what kind of system he recieved.

His eagerness had led to an astonishing revelation—the activation of a mysterious system known as the Penta TEMPLATE System.

This enigmatic system would play a pivotal role in Ryu's journey, granting him the power to assimilate the abilities and traits of powerful characters from different realms and universes. Each template he acquired would serve as a stepping stone in his quest for unrivaled strength.

The Penta TEMPLATE System's purpose was clear: Ryu had to increase the template percentage by being transported to worlds associated with each template. In these alternate dimensions, Ryu would assume the body of an adult and confront the formidable adversaries that the characters in these templates had faced in their lifetimes. His mission was to triumph over these challenges within a strict time limit set by the system's creator.

Now, Ryu was presented with the list of templates that would define his path to power:

1. **Yoriichi Tsugikuni**: This template hailed from the world of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba. Yoriichi was a legendary figure known for his mastery of the Breath of the Sun style and his role in shaping the future of demon slayers. Acquiring this template would grant Ryu unparalleled swordsmanship and combat skills, making him a force to be reckoned with in close-quarters combat.

2. **Yamamoto Genryusai**: Originating from the world of Bleach, Yamamoto Genryusai was a formidable warrior and the Captain-Commander of the Gotei 13. His mastery of the flames of Ryujin Jakka, one of the most potent Zanpakuto in Bleach, made him a force of destruction. Obtaining this template would bestow Ryu with fire-based abilities and combat expertise beyond compare.

3. **Gol D Roger**: The Pirate King himself, Gol D Roger, hailed from the world of One Piece. Possessing the power of the legendary One Piece, Roger had become the most renowned pirate in history. Acquiring this template would imbue Ryu with Roger's indomitable spirit, nautical prowess, and access to the mysteries of the Grand Line.

4. **Satoru Gojo**: From the world of Jujutsu Kaisen, Satoru Gojo was an enigmatic sorcerer with unrivaled cursed energy and combat abilities. His control over Infinity made him nearly invincible. The Satoru Gojo template promised Ryu immense cursed energy and the ability to wield Jujutsu techniques that defied imagination.

5. **Dialga**: Dialga, the Temporal Pokémon, hailed from the world of Pokémon. As the deity of time, Dialga possessed the power to manipulate time itself. Acquiring this template would grant Ryu dominion over time, allowing him to bend its flow to his will and wield temporal abilities that few could comprehend.

Each of these templates represented a unique path to power, and Ryu had to confront the challenges of each world to unlock their potential. As he ventured into these alternate dimensions, Ryu would face adversaries and situations that would test the limits of his abilities, bringing him closer to his ultimate goal of becoming the strongest being in existence.

The acquisition of these templates was not without its challenges, and Ryu's journey would be marked by growth, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of strength.

A year passed in the blink of an eye. Ryu progressed at an astounding rate, demonstrating an uncanny ability to walk and talk like a normal eight-year-old child. However, he concealed his advanced development, choosing to blend in with the world around him and act like any other child his age.

Yet, Ryu's true potential lay in the shadows. His focus was resolute, and he embarked on a relentless quest for strength. His daily routine was grueling, involving countless battles. He fought tirelessly, pushing his limits day in and day out, all while striving to maintain the facade of a typical child.

Ryu's training inside the Penta TEMPLATE System was a transformative and grueling experience. It pushed the boundaries of his abilities and tested his determination to become the strongest being across multiple universes. System was highly useful to Ryu, since a second in the outside world is comparable to tens of years in the fighting space of system. Now, let's delve deeper into his training within each template:

1. **Yoriichi Tsugikuni (Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba)**:

- In this world, Ryu found himself in the midst of the Taisho-era Demon Slayer Corps, facing demons of various strengths.

- His training consisted of rigorous battles, where he honed his swordsmanship and mastered the Breath of the Sun style.

- Ryu learned to channel and control the incredible power of the sun, enhancing his combat skills and enabling him to annihilate demons with ease.

2. **Yamamoto Genryusai (Bleach)**:

- Transported to the Bleach universe, Ryu faced Hollows, Arrancars, and other supernatural entities.

- His training was centered around mastering the Zanpakuto and unlocking the full potential of the flames of Ryujin Jakka.

- Ryu gained the ability to unleash devastating fire-based attacks and developed unparalleled combat techniques.

3. **Gol D Roger (One Piece)**:

- Ryu sailed the treacherous waters of the Grand Line, encountering fierce pirates and navigating the mysteries of the world.

- Training as a pirate required him to develop strategic thinking, leadership skills, and resourcefulness.

- He also unlocked Roger's unique fighting, weaponry usage and Haki abilities, including Conqueror's Haki, which allowed him to command respect and instill fear in his foes.

4. **Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)**:

- In this world, Ryu delved into the realm of curses and sorcery, battling cursed spirits and mastering Jujutsu techniques.

- His training involved harnessing cursed energy to its utmost potential, achieving complete control over Infinity.

- Ryu's cursed techniques became formidable, and he could manipulate space and curse techniques with unrivaled precision.

5. **Dialga (Pokémon)**:

- Within the Pokémon universe, Ryu grappled with the complexities of time manipulation.

- His training revolved around understanding and controlling time, allowing him to alter its flow, perceive the future, and even travel through it.

- Ryu became a master of temporal abilities, making him nearly untouchable in battles that involved manipulating time.

Throughout his training, Ryu faced countless challenges and adversaries, each pushing him to adapt, learn, and evolve. The system's creator had set a strict time limit for Ryu to complete his training within these templates, intensifying the pressure to grow stronger rapidly.

The experiences gained from these templates not only increased Ryu's power but also broadened his horizons, as he acquired a diverse set of skills and knowledge from each world. His journey was marked by relentless determination, sacrifices, and a burning desire to fulfill his potential as the strongest being across dimensions.

The passage of time was a blur as Ryu's life became an unending cycle of challenges and victories. He surpassed the level of even the most accomplished super kages in just three short years. Battling foes numbered in the thousands was a routine part of his life, and he undertook this rigorous regimen with unwavering determination.

Despite his youthful appearance, Ryu's power was nothing short of godlike. Each battle, whether it lasted seconds or days, felt like a fleeting moment in this timeless world. His strength grew exponentially, and his abilities transcended the boundaries of mortal comprehension.

Meanwhile, the world outside continued its existence, oblivious to Ryu's ascension. His parents, Luna and Sakazuki, were elite shinobi known for their exceptional skills. However, their roles as kage-level ninja often led them on perilous missions, leaving Ryu in the care of the clan's kind-hearted maids.

These maids, compassionate and nurturing, tended to Ryu's needs and showered him with affection. Yet, despite their care, Ryu's heart yearned for the presence of his parents. Their absence, caused by the demanding missions assigned to them by the red-clad kage, weighed heavily on his young soul.

Three years later,

One fateful day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Ryu found himself alone in his home. It had been a week since his parents had embarked on their latest mission, and Ryu couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled upon him.

In his mind, he couldn't help but blame the red-clad kage for assigning his parents to such dangerous tasks. To Ryu, they were his world, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing them.

As the evening settled in, the maids went about their tasks, their expressions solemn. Ryu's presence seemed to elicit a mixture of sadness and pity from them. He couldn't understand the sudden change in their demeanor.

Driven by an increasing sense of unease, Ryu approached one of the maids and inquired about the melancholic atmosphere that hung in the air. The maid hesitated for a moment, her emotions evident in her eyes. With a heavy sigh, she mustered the strength to speak.

"Ryu-sama, your parents... they have... ha... left this world forever."

The words struck Ryu.


Here is the one of the longest chapters of this ff.

Please don't expect me to write each and every chapter this long.

I burst my head for this.

Please enjoy reading this ff.

Shower me with power stones.