Chapter 7: Filler chapter

Seven years had passed since the night of the Uchiha massacre, and the village had healed from the scars of that tragic event. The young shinobi who once played a pivotal role in those events were now on the brink of taking their next step. Today marked the day when Ryu, Naruto, Sasuke, and their friends were to become genin.

The morning sun bathed the village in a warm glow, and the genin candidates eagerly gathered. They had undergone rigorous training during these years, honing their skills to a level that surpassed their peers.

Ryu, as always, stood out with his distinctive white hair. He had grown into a handsome young man, his aura still carrying the enigmatic presence he'd always possessed.

Among them, Naruto and Sasuke had reached a level akin to that of Shibai Otsutsuki. Their powers defied comprehension, and they had mastered a wide array of abilities, thanks in part to Ryu's guidance.

Now, let's delve into the unique abilities and specialties of the other members of the group:

**Shikamaru** had complete control over shadows. He had even made a contract with a shadow demon from the Narutoverse, making him a master of manipulating shadows in ways that surpassed ordinary Nara clan techniques.

**Choji** had achieved mastery over matter manipulation, granting him supernatural strength and defense. His abilities had grown to a level that made him a formidable force.

**Ino** had developed the power to read anyone's thoughts when they were under her perception. Only individuals with higher power and mental energy could resist her ability. She had become a master of brain control and living puppeteering, mastering techniques that few could comprehend.

**Sakura** had harnessed supernatural strength and speed, coupled with 50 percent divine chakra and 100 percent chakra control. She had become an expert in medicinal arts, rivaling the skill of Tsunade herself.

**Kiba** had witnessed his ninja dog's transformation into a muscular and dominant companion. The dog possessed overwhelming chakra and skills upgraded by a thousand-fold. It could be likened to a tailed beast. Kiba himself had learned Wind Style and mastered fusion arts and taijutsu.

**Hinata** had not only mastered her clan's taijutsu but also the Destruction Palm taught by Ryu. She had reached a super Kage level and had opened her Tenseigan, wielding it with 45 percent control and proficiency.

**Neji** had mastered the first of calmness and peace, an upgraded version of the Gentle Fist. He had also awakened his Tenseigan, currently possessing 60 percent proficiency and control over its abilities.

**Tenten** had become a master of weapons, and her abilities had evolved. She had awakened a new kekkei genkai, allowing her to create any kind of weapon with chakra, offering her incredible versatility on the battlefield.

**Lee** had surpassed the first stage of Six Paths level, allowing him to open all eight gates without sacrificing his life. He had become a true master of this legendary technique.

The day of their genin exams had arrived. The candidates gathered at the academy, eager to demonstrate their abilities. However, there was an unspoken agreement among them. They had all decided not to reveal their true power during the exams, respecting Ryu's words and guidance.

The scene was much like the original Naruto anime: the academy, the various test sections, and the tension in the air. Ryu was assigned to Team 7 alongside Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, making it a special four-man team.

During the Jonin meetings, there was extensive discussion about this unique team, but it was clear that only Kakashi and Danzo could handle all four of them. Hizuren, however, was determined to keep Ryu on his side, prioritizing his abilities for the village's protection. Therefore, a special four-man squad was formed, and Ryu became an official part of Kakashi's team.

On the day of the exams, as the candidates waited in the classroom, Kakashi arrived. The students seemed bored, their expressions lacking enthusiasm. Kakashi, observing their disinterest, sighed and decided to move things along. He asked them to join him upstairs, and they proceeded, unsure of what awaited them.

In the original anime, the students' early encounters with Kakashi unfolded much as they had before. Ryu introduced himself to the group in the same manner as Kakashi had done in the past. Afterward, Kakashi told them to meet at Training Ground 7 early in the morning, instructing them not to eat anything until they felt like vomiting.

This new generation of ninja was poised to embark on their own journeys, each harboring extraordinary abilities and talents.


Sorry for the short chapter, I took away my sleep to write this, if there are any problems, please ignore it.

And yeah, please vote for the female lead mentioned in third chapter.

Thank you for reading.