Is this an Isekai??


That was all he could see, wait maybe the word 'see' doesn't fit right here.

He could feel it, the darkness that didn't leave any space for light.

'Where am I?'

Feeling as if he was floating in some direction, the soul tried to move his body or what could be his apparition possibly.

After trying some more, the soul finally stopped as he felt he was not moving in his desired direction, but moving towards something that was pulling him in its direction.

He didn't have any collection of what was going on as he spent his time in the dark space, where he couldn't produce any thoughts, or more like something was not allowing him to have a stable mind to think.

Being in the dark and unknown could make even the toughest and strongest of beings feel the terror of what was yet to come.

But the soul, as if not having the slightest inkling of what was happening just floated about the space.

It felt like an eternity while it also felt like a few minutes had passed when suddenly he felt the pull he was feeling all the time become stronger and stronger.

His surroundings started dazzling as they changed from a mix of different colors like that of a rainbow and he felt himself dragged into the infinite end.

A few seconds later, the pull reached its peak and suddenly everything became bright white.

The soul couldn't resist anything as he felt like dropping into a white canvas with great force.

And then everything disappeared becoming dark again, as if all of what happened was a dream.


Felix felt like he spent a lot of time traveling somewhere and at long last had reached his destination.

'Ouch! It hurts.'

Struggling to move his body which seems to have been tied strongly, he felt pain around several parts of his body.

Slowly opening his eyes which happened to be the only thing he could do at the moment, he gazed at the world after a long time that felt like an eternity.

It was still dark but not so dark that he couldn't even perceive his surroundings and look at where he was.

It seemed that he was inside of something with a relatively small space but it was still tightly occupied with things here and there.

The thing that he was on seemed to be moving as he felt it slightly shaking, and giving a bump as if on a poorly maintained road.

'Where is this?'

He tried saying, only to find that his mouth was stuffed with a cloth, because of which he ended up making some gibberish sounds.

Felix felt his arms hurt before he looked at his body which appeared to be smaller and malnourished, and skin that looked a bit pale with lots of bruises on every part of his body.

It was the first time for him to feel such pain as he never got that badly hurt or in an accident considering his crappy luck.

'Why is my body covered in bruises that don't look like it was done by merely falling or an accident? More like getting thrashed around by buffed guys in a UFC match.', his mind buzzed with thoughts.

'Wait, what am I even wearing?'

He turned down to look at his clothes.

No, it wasn't worthy enough to be called a cloth, because it was just a piece of sleeveless white dirty rag that covered his body from the neck to his ankles. Something that could be torn apart by just pulling at it.

'What the hell is going on!!'

Felix tried removing the ropes that were tying him but gave up after some minutes of struggling as he couldn't seem to free himself of the constraints.

He tried poking his tongue out as the cloth that covered his mouth slowly came out.

"Huff! Huff! Ohh shit that felt suffocating.", he gasped.

'Wait my voice seems different.'

"Cough cough...Hmm...Mic testing 1,2...3."

'My voice seems childish, did I become younger?'

Still clueless about what was going on, a thought suddenly entered his mind.

'No way!! Did I...Did I get isekai'd?'

Staring at the ceiling and shaking with excitement as his hands trembled with joy, Felix shouted.

"Holy shit!! Wasn't I killed by that truck? How the hell did I get sent to another world?"

And then he remembered the cliche troupe.

'Wait If I got transmigrated to another world, then that means-'

Acting like a rabies patient with red eyes, he started shouting again.

"SYSTEM!! Come out!!"

Seeing that nothing happened, he tried again now on the verge of insanity.

"STATUS!! YES!! Show me my Status!!

Still, nothing out of the ordinary happened as he barked like a dog.

"Hmm? Where is my golden finger??"

A bit flustered, Felix asked himself wondering whether his potential 'system' was still locked or if he didn't get one.

"Huff! Let's try to calm down and analyze what's happening around first."

Calming himself down as he took deep breaths, he started thinking about his situation with closed eyes.

"First of all, Why am I tied?"

Thinking for a bit, Felix started thinking that after getting thrashed around for some reason, the same guys must have tied him up.

"But for what reason"

Wanting to think of a good reason to tie a small and malnourished boy like him, he sank into deep thought.

Sadly he didn't have the time to do that as the thing that was carrying him suddenly stopped, making his body jolt forward and hit his head on the wooden wall.

"What the-"

With a 'neigh' sound of that of a horse, the curtains that did not let much light inside of the small space opened up revealing the blazing sun out there.

And with the sunlight came a shadow of a huge guy who used two of his bulky arms and picked Felix up by holding his neck.

"Now now kid...What were you muttering inside the carriage? Don't you know that slaves are not allowed to speak and shout!"

Lifting Felix above him, the buff and bald guy who was about 2 meters tall shouted near his ears almost making him deaf.

Resisting the strong arms on his neck and gasping for air, Felix looked at the scary guy with fear and thought about what he said.

'Slave? Did I just become a slave?'

Widening his eyes, Felix screamed inside his head.

'Why is my isekai so different from the cliche one?'