The Imminent Chaos.


Came the static noise of a broken television for a few seconds before it died, and faint voices could be heard.

"...this one and that one. Yes, thank you."

The voice of the huge guy could be heard as he seemed to be haggling with a street vendor.

"Hurry up, you idiot. Did you think I hired you to waste my time?"

A stern voice sounded that seemed to make a fuss about taking this guy to do his job.

"Y-Yes Master, I'm coming, just that these toys were not that bad so..."

His voice trailed silently as he gulped in fear at whatever his Master did there.

"Don't make me repeat myself, the people of the dark guilds don't care about people's lives. So, if you make any mistakes, be ready to face something you would never wish to."

"I-I understand."

The huge guy's head must have been faced downwards as he spoke with a scared voice not disturbing his Master again.

"Let's go, we need to find someone before moving to the meet-up place for completing the deal."

"I don't want to fail this mission as it can greatly help me in...."

The voices died down there as Felix opened his eyes and stared intently at the wallet in his hand. His red eyes were tinged with hatred from hearing their voices again, but he took a deep breath, relaxed, and calmed down.

"Those bastards...Sigh I didn't get much out of them, but this is still fine."

He didn't think that the information was less as he knew beforehand that using Flashback on a thing was random of his desired wish.

If he wanted to hear the past of something and wishes for it, the sounds are what he wants to hear but it can also be something that is of not much use.

'The only thing of importance from their conversation I heard was about the 'dark guilds'. What are they? Some Gangs? Criminals? Most likely something similar to those. I need to find more about them and remain hidden.'

'The next thing was that gray-haired man's mission. It seems that he had gotten a mission from somewhere to deliver a sacrifice to the people of dark guilds and I.....was chosen as the pig.'

Felix gnashed his teeth in anger as he felt like tossing them in magma and roasting their dicks* with charcoals. His wrath made his crimson eyes give a slight glow as the decreasing sunlight from outside the window seem to fall on his silver hair, shining it.

Shaking his head, he tossed the wallet on the desk and laid his head on the soft cushion of the bed. Giving his body a stretch, he started dozing off as he had a last thought.

'I'll find out about everything later and make sure that bastard pays for making me go through hell. But right now, I'll go to sleep and recover my body.'

Closing his eyes, Felix swore to himself as he fell asleep on a bed for the first time after transmigration. Deep snores could be heard as he already reached dreamland with a dead tired body on the bed.


Edenmont City.

The seventh floor of the Twilight Chaos Guild.

In a dark room that had a few dark crystals emitting light, a tall man with long black hair that reached his waist was standing in front of a large gridded window. He wore a tight robe over his sturdy body that gave his already strong muscles a firm shape.

His face had a long and thin scar that looked like it was carved with a sword across the right side of his face. His lips raised in an arrogant manner as his blue eyes peered through the windows from the tall building of the guild looking over the City.

"Things have calmed down a bit, but the other guilds have not accepted my proposal yet. It seems I have to show them what it means to oppose my Twilight Chaos Guild."

The man spoke with a cold voice as he grinned looking over the dark city that was going to sleep, and rubbed the ring on his finger which gave a bright light on his hand.

A small white orb materialized from the light in his hand to which he gave an incantation, the orb then started turning from white to black as a voice came out of it.

"Please give us your orders, Guild Master.", requested a burly voice that appeared to be desperately wanting to create more trouble and destruction.

"Make your preparations and remain on standby. The moment I give you the signal, that is when you all will break hell loose in the City."

The man spoke with a cold voice as he gave a demonic grin and turned off the communication orb.

Turning back to his office, he went and sat on a cool and dark sofa that was behind his table as he stared at the only thing on his desk.

A Letter.

The white letter looked beautiful with golden inscriptions on it that glowed under the faint light of the room's dark crystals. It looked quite otherwordly in contrast to the dark desk and room as it faintly emitted a strong presence.

He took the letter and read through it again like he did many times before. Putting it back on the table, he leaned back on the sofa and heaved a sigh.

"Sigh...Now what am I gonna do with this? Did he forget that I'm not interested in such things?"

Shaking his head at the proposition given to him by the person he always wanted to surpass and keep up with. He spoke with a resigned expression.

"He is just giving me more work than I already have, but I can't just ignore him, that's why I asked Elsa to take care of it."

Giving away all his work to his subordinates, which he always did was the reason he rarely left the seventh floor. So, most of the people in Edenmont City had never seen the mysterious leader of the Twilight Chaos Guild.

Opening his drawer, he took out a file and checked today's report given by the receptionist.

"Hmmm. It seems we got a new member today. So far so good, but I wonder how the fate of this city will change in a few months."

He smirked at the thought of his guild creating and spreading chaos in the ever-peaceful City.

"It's time we make a change for good. As nothing lasts forever."

The Guild Master of the Twilight Chaos grinned evilly like an old demon, as he clasped his hands together near his chin.