Felix vs Orkida I

Felix paused his steps and turned to the man who was leaning against the wall and smiling mysteriously.

"Hmm, it seems that Steve boy has already told you who I am. Did he also tell you that what I say is always bullshit and you shouldn't ever believe me?"

Mr. Dealer pushed himself away from the wall and neared toward Felix while speaking in his ears.

"So, what will you do? Believe in me or not?"

Taking a few steps backward, Felix had an apologetic face as he said something entirely different from what the man had expected.

"Umm I want to participate in a battle right now, so I don't have time to talk with you. I'm sorry."

Giving the man a slight nod, he turned around and went deeper into the office toward the counter.

Mr.Dealer stood stunned in the place as if he couldn't understand what had transpired just now.

After a few seconds, he finally reacted and blinked in a frenzy.

"Wait, did I just get rejected by a kid?"