The Giant I

Felix moved away from Arena 27 and walked toward the Arena numbered 31.

Sneaking behind him was a hectic bunch who thought they had found a good fighter to bet on.

"See buddy I'm telling you, this guy is a lot different than the others. Even his name sounds like someone doing shady things in the dark."

A lanky bald guy wearing a vibrant green robe exclaimed to the other guys while looking discreetly in the crowd.

Another man who had his big tummy falling out from his robes rubbed his hands and frowned looking at him.

"What crap are you on about, Dufus? We don't care what the guy got in his name or pants, what we really do care if he's winning or not!"

The other men nodded, revealing their wicked smiles, while Dufus wore a thoughtful expression.

"Oh, you're right Henry. It's fine as long as we get some money.", Dufus smiled sheepishly.

The fat man Henry jumped about and pulled Dufus closer, his face turning alert.