The Bet.

Gevano had a discreet smile rising at the corner of his lips as he replied to them on how they'd be competing with each other.

"Well, the rules are simple. Your group and mine will bet on the different fighters of the battle at this betting booth that'll start in a few minutes."

"We will be betting all our money that we have right now, and the winner will be taking everything. How's it? Do you dare to bet?"

Gevano looked straight at Henry as he knew the other guys would listen to him.

Henry had a thoughtful expression on his face that he tried hard to make while holding back a laugh.

Seeing that the guy was hesitating, Gevano continued.

"Are you scared? Well, what can you expect from some los-"

"We accept!"

Before Gevano could call them losers again, Dufus stepped ahead and shouted.

Gevano stared at Dufus before turning towards Henry.

"You accept?", he asked patiently.