
It was a new day with a fresh morning breeze flowing in the streets of Edenmont City.

Two figures wearing suspicious robes walked out of the building of Twilight Chaos Guild and disappeared away in a flash.

They conversed amongst themselves as they moved in the shadows of the alleys.

"You sure Mr.Dealer isn't lying to you?", Steve asked in doubt.

"I can vouch for him on this one as I've personally gone through there.", Felix replied with an assured nod.

"Alright then, we'll use that path."

Steve gave a nod while following behind Felix as they crossed several streets and arrived at a small inn.

"Here it is."

Felix opened the door of the inn and walked inside after the both of them had put a mask on their faces.

Steve stepped in after him and glanced around the empty inn where only a worker and a man wearing a grey robe were present.