Episode 15.6 Tacit Understanding

'Dog ears?' The sexually satiated celestial fox spirit asked in his mind. Remove the word dog and retain the latter; the word ears sounded so suspicious that his heart instantly dropped to the pit of his stomach.

The ecstasy of releasing his pent-up desire vanished like smoke in the air with this new development.

'Wait, what I'm dreading to happen didn't happen, right?' Shen Yuan not so desperately convinced himself. Despite the denial, he still used his hand to feel the questionable thing that was twitching every time Bai Tingfeng's hand touched it.

"Fuck!" And with that, denial could no longer be accepted. His ears did pop up!

The celestial fox spirit's tails remained hidden, but this didn't make the situation any better. The fact that his ears appeared against his will means two things.

First, the sex with Bai Tingfeng was good enough to make his ears pop up but not that great to force his tails to show themselves.