Episode 18.1 Rong Shan Spring Villa

Shen Yuan and Bai Tingfeng don't need to go into details about what the former said. Just staring at each other, Bai Tingfeng knew that Shen Yuan hadn't forgotten about the mysterious black cat and what had happened to their first car yet. His hatchet of vengeance remembers, like always.


And he is in on it for support, as he should be.


The celestial fox spirit closed that chapter for the time being. They could talk about that in between their relaxation. Besides, if their assumptions are correct, that puny demon spirit will pop up anytime in the future to mess with them. Hence, there's no need to waste their time and effort to look for that little shit.


Didn't Chairman Mao and he agree that he would be the biggest bait? He will float around in the meantime and do just that!


For now, he must focus on their vacation and look for opportunities to get laid.