Episode 19.10 To Trample You

No one outside the circle of Shen Yuan's trusted allies knows what was discussed after they entered the villa.

The only thing that could be said after their one hour of discussion is that no big movement happened in the Rong Shan Spring Villa— well, at least in the eyes of the outsiders.

Around ten in the morning, Bai Tingfeng together with the S-class psychic beta Xia Jinhai left inconspicuously in a single car after bidding goodbye to his husband and son. 

It seems like the terrorist attack made him restless and worried for his little family since he kissed them goodbye stiffly and slightly trembling. 

It was a very awkward goodbye but thankfully, he's got a stupidly optimistic husband who tapped his shoulders merrily and reassured that they will be waiting for his return.

The Bai family's parting time only makes up a small part of their day.