Episode 23.8 The Tiger Is Finally Sharpening His Claws

"Papa!" Yanyan darted like a little bullet towards his parents. After a long and profound conversation between the Bai-Shen couple and Yuqi, the three left the university library. They met with Yanyan and Chairman Mao in front of the Qilin statue.

Yuqi the Qilin glides through the air like a ghost while sporting a pleasant smile as she watches the family reunion of three. It is a smile that is devoid of anything worldly— a smile that's pure and kind.

"Is everything okay now?" Yanyan eagerly asked, wiggling in his father's arms. Bai Tingfeng held his five-year-old closer and beamed.

"Papa still has a lot of things to do before I can say things are finally okay, but for now, Papa holds a lot of hope that it will end well."

"Hope is good!" Yanyan nodded and then turned to Shen Yuan, arms outstretched for a hug. "Daddy!"