-32- Meet some acquaintance

In Chaldea, there have been only three successful cases of summoning heroic spirits. In other words, there were already three Servants in Chaldea. According to Mash

"The heroic spirit I fused with was Trial Subject No. 2."

Mash informed Rozen.

"Before the fire in the control room consumed us, that heroic spirit proposed a contract with me, transferring their abilities and Noble Phantasms to me. In return, they wanted me to eliminate the singularities and save human history."

Because of this, Mash gained power and became a Pseudo-Servant.

This made Rozen understand. He said, "I see, since the subject willingly cooperated, the experiment naturally succeeded, right?"

In this world, the most challenging experiments to accomplish are those where cooperation is lacking. However, when the subject willingly cooperates, the difficulty of the experiment naturally decreases. Therefore, Mash finally became a Pseudo-Servant.

"And it's a good thing we formed a contract before the Spiritron Transfer," Mash said.

"If it weren't for the contract providing me with Command Seals, I wouldn't have been able to summon you."

Perhaps due to an incomplete adjustment in the Spiritron Transfer process, there was a deviation, and Rozen and Mash were dispersed and transferred to different locations during the process. If Rozen hadn't decisively used the Command Seals, he would have perished at the hands of the unknown Archer.


"I'm in awe that you managed to execute a spatial transfer with just one Command Seal," Mash said with admiration in her tone.

Being able to forcefully transfer Servants from different spaces would usually require more than one Command Seal's power, but Rozen managed to achieve it.

It was indeed astonishing yet understandable.

The quality of a Master's abilities significantly influences a Servant's strength. The higher a Master's ability, the more magical energy a Servant can draw from them, unleashing even more potent power.

The same applies to Command Seals.

The higher a Master's ability, the more pronounced the effect of the Command Seals becomes. For example, instantaneous and specific commands, like "Defeat the enemy in front of you," "Heal the injuries on my body," "Come to my side," will be executed precisely.

On the other hand, commands with long-term or wide-ranging implications will have reduced effects. For instance, a command like "Obey everything I say" is not only too broad but also extends for a long time, making it practically ineffective even with three Command Seals.

Yet, there are exceptions.

If a Master's qualities are exceptionally outstanding, even these seemingly illogical commands can produce some effects.

Rozen falls into this category.

As the most exceptional individual with Master qualifications recorded in Chaldea's history, Rozen's abilities need no mention. Therefore, he can command Mash to perform spatial transfers with just one Command Seal, even though Chaldea's Command Seals usually require more.

This remarkable feat made Rozen feel that...

"It's as if even forceful commands can be fulfilled."


Normally, Chaldea's Command Seals would only have the level of "curse," barely enough to bind a Servant. They wouldn't be strong enough to impose forceful commands.

However, Rozen felt that with his abilities, even with just one Command Seal, he could exert forceful commands through the magical power of the Command Seal.

This shows why Chaldea highly values Rozen. He possesses an astonishing talent for the Summoning System, and his qualities as a Master are remarkably high, surpassing others in summoning, commanding, and controlling Servants to an extraordinary degree.

With this, Rozen can enhance and heal Mash beyond the usual effects of Command Seals.

Moreover, by providing Mash with a significant amount of magical energy, Rozen can boost her strength, giving him some confidence.

"It seems I should be cautious with the remaining two Command Seals."

Although Chaldea can provide magical energy, recovering one Command Seal per day, the current state of Chaldea is still uncertain.

The fire in the control room may have caused abnormalities in Chaldea's systems, preventing it from supplying magical energy or creating new Command Seals. We can't be certain.

Worried about this, Rozen inquired about the situation from Mash.

This is because a Servant's magical energy is supplied by Chaldea.

If Mash can receive magical energy from Chaldea, it means that Chaldea's situation has not reached its worst. If not, it would be troublesome.


"Don't worry, Senpai. I'm currently receiving magical energy from Chaldea properly, and I can fight normally."

Mash reported this as somewhat good news to Rozen.

"In that case, Chaldea's situation shouldn't be too dire, but we still don't know if the control room's systems have been restored or if the fire has been extinguished."

Rozen contemplated.

"So, what should we do next, Senpai?"

Mash confirmed the plan with Rozen again.

Rozen didn't hesitate much about this.

"First, we must find a way to contact Chaldea and understand the current situation."

In any case, having information is essential. Understanding the situation is crucial before taking action. Moreover, Chaldea's support is vital for their side as well.

"If we have Chaldea's radar, I can use it to detect and sample the surroundings with me at the center. If any enemies approach, we won't be caught off guard."

As of now, they have to rely on Rozen for vigilance.

"While I don't want to waste too much magical energy, every bit of it is precious for the upcoming battles. But without Chaldea's support, we have no choice."

Saying so, Rozen used the magic of "Bird Summoning" to summon a flock of birds. He dispersed them throughout Fuyuki City and shared their senses with his familiar, exploring the area.

In this regard, Mash can only rely on Rozen and waits quietly on the side.



Suddenly, Rozen opened his eyes, looking astonished.

"She... No, why are they here?"

Rozen's surprised voice left Mash perplexed.


Mash voiced her surprise.

"No, it's nothing. Don't worry," Rozen quickly shook his head and then said in an inexplicably strange tone, "It's just that we might have to meet some acquaintances."

"Acquaintances?" Mash became even more confused.

A while later, the two of them left the place.