-34- The unsolved mysteries


Several minutes later, Olga Marie learned the entire story from Mash. As expected, she felt both anxious and frustrated, nervously biting her nails.

"Why did this happen only now?"

Her murmurs were filled with regret.

No one knew whether it was regretting the timely realization of the Chaldea Experiment No. 6 or regretting its delayed implementation.

However, Olga Marie's trembling figure was evident to both Rozen and Mash.

Yet, no one knew how Olga Marie truly felt at the moment.

Was the girl angry about the reappearance of this inhuman experiment, or was she afraid of something else? Only she knew.

Of course, Olga Marie wasn't the only one with questions; Rozen had his as well.

"It did surprise me for quite some time that Mash transformed into a Servant, but your appearance here is equally astonishing," Rozen glanced at Olga Marie and said straightforwardly, "Why did this happen? Logically, it should be impossible for you to be here, right?"

This statement hit Olga Marie's sore spot.

But it was the truth.

Logically, Olga Marie couldn't be here.

"Although you are a first-class mage with high magical potential, you lack the qualifications of a Master and don't possess the aptitude for Spirit Particle Transfer," Rozen exposed the problem.

That was the issue.

Olga Marie didn't have the aptitude for Spirit Particle Transfer.

Therefore, she wasn't qualified to be a Master, and the Spirit Particle Transfer experiment was never scheduled for her.

In this case, why did Olga Marie end up in Fuyuki City in 2004?

This was Rozen's question.


"How should I know what happened?" Olga Marie said irritably, "I had planned to stay in Chaldea, not come to this place. The control room suddenly exploded for no reason, and everything before me was engulfed in flames. I lost consciousness almost immediately, and when I woke up, I was already here!"

In other words, even Olga Marie herself was clueless.

"What went wrong with the Spirit Particle Transfer experiment? Or were there unknown reasons behind all of this? Can anyone tell me what really happened?"

Olga Marie groaned as if she had a headache.

"Where is Lev at a time like this?"

Perhaps that professor could provide a reasonable explanation for the situation?


(Maybe the reason lies with that professor, idiot.)

While watching Olga Marie clutch her head, Rozen couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, as if he had been pricked by a thorn.

(After all, we still haven't unraveled the mysteries of why Chaldea's control room exploded and why the professor disappeared before the operation.)

Recalling the chilling sensation he felt from Lev, Rozen wanted nothing more than to confront that guy.

His intuition told him that Lev was hiding some significant secret.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have rashly left the control room just because Lev went missing before the crucial operation.

The reason was to relieve this feeling of discomfort.

That professor's whereabouts were now clear to Rozen.

So, Rozen turned his head and looked in a certain direction through the broken window.

In that direction was a deep mountain.

(If I'm not mistaken...)

Rozen thought such things in his mind and then turned to look at Olga Marie.

"Right, you clueless director."

"Clue... clueless director!?"

Olga Marie's forehead throbbed with veins due to Rozen's unexpected address.

However, Rozen paid no attention to her reaction and continued speaking casually.

"As the director of Chaldea, you should know how to contact Chaldea in an emergency, right?"

For this purpose, Rozen brought Mash along and sought out Olga Marie.

Otherwise, he really wanted to make this haughty director suffer a bit more until she couldn't bear it.

Unaware of Rozen's wicked thoughts, Olga Marie snorted but still answered his question.

"I can directly access Chaldea's communication channel with the director's authority, but it has to be done through a communicator."

Upon hearing this, Rozen directed his gaze to Olga Marie's wrist.

There was no Chaldea-customized communicator there.

(Did it malfunction during the explosion in the control room? Or did it disappear during the abnormal Spirit Particle Transfer?)

Regardless of the reason, it seemed to be the factor that prevented Olga Marie from contacting Chaldea and led her to end up fleeing with Fou.

"My communicator also disappeared after becoming a Servant."

Holding a shield, Mash, who was standing on Rozen's shoulder, looked towards him.

"It seems that, among us, only senpai still has a communicator."

Mash's words drew everyone's attention to Rozen's wrist.

There, indeed, was the Chaldea-specialized communicator.

In fact, since a while ago, Rozen had been trying to contact Chaldea through the communicator but failed every time.

"Since you have a dedicated communication device, I'll give you the communicator."

Saying so, Rozen swiftly took off the wristwatch-like communicator and tossed it to Olga Marie.

"Be careful! This is the only communication tool we have now!"

Olga Marie caught the communicator hurriedly, complaining while quickly operating it.

A while later, Olga Marie gave up.

"No good, can't establish a connection." Olga Marie shook her head and said, "Although I entered the communication channel, there's no one on the other end in Chaldea to answer."

Thinking about it carefully, this was quite normal.

The control room had a massive fire, and even the central area was blocked. Until the abnormal disaster was resolved and the blockade lifted, no one could enter the central control room to answer the communication from this side.

(I wonder how the big bro is doing...)

At this thought, Rozen became a bit worried.

However, now was not the time to worry about others.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp—!"

A small bird suddenly flew in through the window, hovering over Rozen's head and making alert-like chirping sounds.

"What's this...!?"

Rozen's expression changed.


At the same time, Fou also let out a warning growl from Mash's back.

"What... what's happening!?"

Olga Marie became flustered.

Meanwhile, Mash had already raised her shield, protecting everyone.

At that moment...

"Roar, roar, roar, roar—!"

A terrifying roar reverberated through the room.