-38- The clash outside the battlefield

In the midst of Rozen and Mash preparing to give their all, directly confronting an unbeatable enemy, on the rooftop of a tall building several kilometers away, a white-haired man dressed in battle attire with dark skin was observing the scene.

It was Archer.

"Has the battle begun?"

Using his skill "Clairvoyance," Archer watched the scene with a cold expression.

"The opponent is that mad god. Not only I, but even 'that person' would find it troublesome. With your abilities, the chances of winning are practically zero."

This statement slightly deviated from Rozen's calculations.

This was because Archer, compared to Rozen, had more knowledge about the giant enemy. He knew that the real threat of the Berserker was not just his astonishing combat power.

Aside from that, there was another reason why Archer was certain that Rozen had no chance of winning.

That reason was Archer himself.

"The opponent is not just one person, but two."

Archer's hand emitted a red lightning-like magic, creating a bow.

Clearly, this archer was planning to secretly attack Rozen's group while they were busy fighting Berserker.

This behavior was completely at odds with the notion of a "Hero."

However, this archer didn't care.

"As long as it completes the mission, whether it's assassination or poisoning, I'll do it."

With this conviction, Archer raised his bow.


"The exciting part is just about to begin, so you, with your kind of approach, should just watch from the sidelines!"

A voice filled with a wild and charismatic personality echoed.

With the sound of this voice, a red light flashed on the rooftop.

It was the radiance of a scorching fireball.

Carrying high-temperature flames, the fireball suddenly appeared and tore through the air, shooting towards Archer.


Archer's expression immediately changed, and without hesitation, he evaded like an arrow, leaping aside.

The fireball barely missed where Archer stood a second ago, landing on the edge of the rooftop.


An explosion occurred, as the scorching heatwaves spread and generated shockwaves, scorching a corner of the rooftop.

The power of this attack was even something a Servant would struggle to endure if directly hit.

This made Archer's face look slightly unpleasant as he looked towards the direction of the attack.

There, he saw a person who wasn't there before.

"Ah, so you decided to come out on your own, Caster."

This person was indeed the Caster Servant.

"Even though you prefer to hide and use that hit-and-run tactic, now you're saying that sneaking an attack isn't your style. It's really ridiculous."

Archer couldn't help but sarcastically mock Caster.

However, Caster seemed unfazed.

"It's just a matter of preference. Although I prefer to have a direct confrontation with my opponents, if there's no choice, I'll do what needs to be done. I suppose you're the same, right, nameless Archer?"

Caster's easy-going tone made him somewhat likable.

However, Archer felt none of that. Instead, he radiated hostility towards Caster.

"Planning to interfere with my plans again, hound!"

Archer's hostility was evident.

Caster chuckled.

"Aren't you just upset because I ambushed Saber's base while you were away? Truly, you are a faithful follower of that guy!"

If Roshan were to hear this, he would probably understand now, right?

When Rozen faced Archer before, Archer withdrew suddenly without any warning, which left Rozen puzzled.

But now, it seems Archer's retreat is significantly related to Caster's actions.

"The Holy Grail War is supposed to be a competition where all Masters and Servants fight each other, yet now all the Masters have disappeared, and you, together with that guy, who should have been enemies, are standing on the same side. The rest of the Servants have gone berserk. It's all very frustrating."

Caster looked at Archer with a slight smirk.

"Now, just when we finally have a chance to break free from this frustrating situation, don't come and meddle again."

Without waiting for Archer's response, Caster changed the subject and revealed some news that made Archer's eyes narrow.

"By the way, while you were busy dealing with those brats and lured Berserker to cause trouble for them, I already took care of Lancer."

This news filled Archer with some killing intent.

Once again, he was bitten by this unpleasant dog in front of him.

Facing Archer's killing intent, Caster burst into laughter.

"Who told you to be distracted by those brats after they arrived? Such a rare opportunity must be seized, you fool!"

Saying that, Caster raised his staff, pointing it at Archer, and his gaze became filled with fighting spirit.

"Now, with Lancer, Rider, and Assassin out of the picture, if Berserker is dealt with by those brats, only Saber and you will remain."

"As long as six Servants are defeated, leaving only me, this Holy Grail War will come to an end, right?"

"Now that we finally see a glimmer of hope, don't mess it up, Archer."

Caster's words were straightforward, and it made Archer's expression darken.

Following that, Archer let out a cold laugh.

"Do you think those guys stand a chance against Berserker in a direct battle?"

Hearing this question, Caster raised an eyebrow.

This particular question was something Caster couldn't answer with certainty.

However, the smile on Caster's face did not disappear.

"If we consider a straight-up fight, that mad god can overpower the other six Servants in the Holy Grail War here in Fuyuki City. Only Saber has a chance to defeat him, and even that requires unleashing her Noble Phantasm. Those brats should have no chance against Berserker, right?"

Caster said this with an arrogant smile.

"But, how can you know for sure if you don't try?"

That's why Caster appeared there.

"Just don't interfere, and everything will be fine."

Caster's purpose was to restrain Archer.

If possible, Caster would like to deal with Archer as well.

So Archer knew that he couldn't divert his attention to deal with Rozen.

Otherwise, this guy would definitely seize the moment to strike.

This made Archer frown, and finally, he snorted coldly before transforming into particles and disappearing from the spot.

Seeing this, Caster breathed a sigh of relief, shrugging his shoulders.

"It's a good thing this guy is cautious; otherwise, my odds of winning in a fight wouldn't be high."

After all, defeating Lancer's Servant took its toll on Caster's energy and strength.

"Now, let's see..."

Caster turned his head and gazed at the battlefield.

"Don't disappoint me, the Master who seemingly appeared out of nowhere."