-99- You're just asking for trouble

Afterwards, there was indeed a negotiation between the Izanagi clan and the Akabane clan.

According to Domon Kira's explanation, the faction within the Izanagi clan that opposed this marriage alliance was responsible for placing Enenra in the restricted area. All relevant parties involved were publicly disciplined in front of the Akabane clan.

Upon hearing this, the Akabane clan decided to stay a few more days within the Izanagi clan until this matter was resolved before leaving.

As for the marriage alliance, they followed Domon Kira's advice and temporarily put it on hold, deciding to wait until Domon Hinowa and the two young man reached adulthood before making a decision.

"Hinowa and the two young masters are still young. We have some time until they come of age; let's decide slowly," Domon Kira suggested, and Akabane Kuukan nodded in agreement.

Since the Izanagi clan and the Akabane clan had already decided on the marriage alliance and had a secret agreement, it was too early to come to a conclusion now.

Thus, Akabane Kuukan accepted Domon Kira's proposal without any hurry to finalize the marriage alliance.

With this decision, the Akabane clan prepared to leave Mount Tengu and return to their own family after handling the incident in the restricted area.

In this ambiguous and uncertain state, their visit concluded.

In the blink of an eye, several days had passed.

On this day, when everything was settled, the Akabane clan was ready to depart and return to their clan.

Meanwhile, in a vacant area behind the main residence of the Izanagi clan, the group consisting of Rozen, Akabane Raishin, Kamo Subaru and Yuge Mutsura gathered once again.

Just like during the trial in the restricted area, the group consisted of Rozen, Akabane Raishin, Kamo Subaru, and Yuge Mutsura, even including Domon Hinowa.

However, Domon Hinowa was no longer hiding, and Yuge Mutsura did not pick fights with Rozen and Akabane Raishin. As a result, Akabane Raishin could stand side by side with Yuge Mutsura.

During these few days, due to the shared experience in the restricted area and their similar ages, the group had grown closer. They played together as children naturally do.

Though Rozen was a bit puzzled about how they all ended up playing together, he noticed that Domon Hinowa was no longer shy, and Yuge Mutsura didn't seem as hostile towards him and Akabane Raishinas before. Only Kamo Subaru still held some grudges, but at most, he just spoke with a bad attitude and didn't avoid them.

Akabane Raishin was not one to hold grudges, so he naturally got along with Yuge Mutsura and the other two of the Izanagi clan.

Thus, Rozen didn't act like a child, taking no offense and letting them be.

However, today, Rozen found himself once again confronting Kamo Subaru.

"Come on, Nuragami!"

"Beat him, Subaru!"

"B... Both of you, do your best!"

Akabane Raishin and Yuge Mutsura cheered loudly from the sidelines, seemingly inspiring Domon Hinowa, who shyly added some encouragement as well.

Rozen and Kamo Subaru stood facing each other in the center of the empty space, with puppets arranged before them. Rozen wore a helpless expression, while Kamo Subaru's eyes were filled with determination.

Rozen spoke up to Kamo Subaru, using his name naturally after spending several days together.

"Why do you want to compete with me, Subaru?"

Kamo Subaru responded as if it were only natural, "Your Akabane family is famous for the 'Puppetry Technique,' right? You didn't use any puppets in the restricted area, did you? So let's have a match here!"

Kamo Subaru formed hand seals.

"In the restricted area, I couldn't use the 'Onmyojutsu' due to the lack of props. Let me see whether your 'Puppetry Technique' is stronger or my 'Onmyojutsu' is more formidable!"

This was Kamo Subaru's purpose.

Rozen's exceptionally active performance in the restricted area had already left a deep impression on everyone's hearts. Because of this, Kamo Subaru and Yuge Mutsura had accepted Rozen and, by extension, Akabane Raishin, no longer viewing them with hostility as before.

However, accepting someone didn't mean conceding to them. Now, Kamo Subaru saw Rozen as a worthy opponent.

There were two reasons for this shift in perspective.

One reason was Rozen's exceptional skills.

The other reason was none other than Domon Hinowa.

Kamo Subaru couldn't help but glance in the direction of Domon Hinowa.

There, Domon Hinowa was secretly stealing glances at Rozen, her cheeks blushing, her expression looks like a maiden in love.

This made Kamo Subaru furious, and he had witnessed this scene more than once during the past few days. Thus, he considered Rozen his most formidable rival and was determined to have a full-on match with him before Rozen left Tengu Mountain.

Rozen was unaware of these feelings and situations, but with his intelligence, he could guess about eighty percent of what was going on. After all, he could clearly see the changes in Domon Hinowa.

"Could it be that I unknowingly caused trouble for a promising young girl?" Rozen pondered.

Though reluctant to admit it, Rozen was somewhat proud. "Who wouldn't be captivated by such a lovely girl like Hinowa?" he thought.

If Rozen hadn't held on to some moral standards, he might have regretted burning the token, given the circumstances.

Thankfully, Kamo Subaru was unaware of Rozen's thoughts; otherwise, he would undoubtedly fight Rozen to the bitter end.

At that moment, Rozen made one final confirmation.

"Are you really going to compete?"

This confirmation elicited a blunt response from Kamo Subaru.

"If you're a man, stop being wishy-washy!"

Kamo Subaru's words were rough and brash, causing Rozen to chuckle softly.

"You're just asking for trouble!"

Rozen unleashed his magical power.

"Don't think that you can easily beat me!"

Kamo Subaru retorted with determination.

The magical aura emanating from the two of them affected the surrounding air.

For a ten-year-old child, the extent of their magical power was already astonishing.

Rozen's magical prowess was remarkable, and what's more surprising was the level of magical power displayed by Kamo Subaru.

(Indeed, he truly deserves to be the heir of the Kamo family, second only to the Domon in the Izanagi clan.)

Rozen silently praised Kamo Subaru in his heart.

In the next moment, both of them moved simultaneously.


Rozen converted his magical power into telekinesis, controlling several puppets in front of him to make them move.

"Summon Shikigami!"

Kamo Subaru uttered a low shout, changing his hand seal. A miasma surged from the puppets in front of him, causing them to be possessed by low-level spirits and turning them into Shikigami resembling Ghouls.

In the next second, under the control of both of them, the puppets and Shikigami charged forward amid the cheers of Yuge Mutsura ,Domon Hinowa, and Akabane Raishin

Immediately, they clashed in a fierce battle.