-104- Getting back on track

——"Magic Resilience."

This ability is one tier higher than "Heaven's Eye," belonging to the seventh stage of a magician's development, located within the seventh tier.

Just like how "Magic Defense" is a shield formed by telekinesis, the principle behind this ability is also telekinesis.

However, it's telekinesis that's perfected to its utmost level.

What this technique produces is a telekinetic blade, contrasting with the telekinetic shield of "Magic Defense."

By infusing telekinesis into any object and shaping it into a blade, even an average magician can cut through steel.

"If I apply 'Magic Resilience' to a familiar's weapon, its attack and destructive power will greatly increase. Even I, with the enhancements from 'Physical Resilience' bolstering my physical abilities, can deliver a strike capable of cutting through a human body."

Rozen couldn't help but sigh.

"Does this mean that without 'Crimson Wing Formation,' I've completely surpassed Ten-nii?"

It's important to note that in order to master the "Crimson Wing Formation" secret technique and improve puppet-crafting skills, Akabane Tenzen hadn't invested much effort into advancing through the eight tiers of magicians in recent years.

As a result, Rozen learned the "Magic Resilience" skill ahead of Tenzen, and with skills like "Telekinesis," "Spirit sight," "Physical Resilience," "Magic Defense," and "Heaven's Eye," possessing greater precision and intensity than Tenzen, in terms of a magician's level, Rozen had surpassed Akabane Tenzen.

"But, even if Tenzen can mimic the 'Magic Resilience' skill through the 'Crimson Wing Formation,'"

This is because the "Crimson Wing Formation" can forcefully enhance the user's magical power and requires them to perfectly control their own magical power before being able to learn it.

It's worth knowing that telekinesis is similarly derived from magical power.

And "Magic Resilience" is the pinnacle of telekinesis, formed from immense magical power, perfectly controlled, then transformed into the form of telekinesis, creating a telekinetic blade.

In this way, after mastering the "Crimson Wing Formation," Akabane Tenzen essentially achieved perfect control of his telekinesis, releasing a telekinetic force far beyond that of an ordinary magician, which he could then shape into a blade with ease.

Therefore, any magician who has mastered the "Crimson Wing Formation" can imitate the "Magic Resilience" skill using this technique.

"Even so, in terms of magician level, I'm still ahead."

At least, Rozen had genuinely mastered the "Magic Resilience" skill rather than just imitating it, and his other skills were stronger than Tenzen's.

"But Tenzen's 'Crimson Wing Formation' remains an extremely potent trump card."

Even after acquiring the "Magic Resilience" skill, it's still unlikely that Rozen could defeat Akabane Tenzen, who had mastered the "Crimson Wing Formation."


"I expose the 'Summoning Technique' trump card."

In that case, Rozen, capable of summoning various familiars, would become an opponent that Akabane Tenzen couldn't match.

Moreover, this time, aside from mastering the "Magic Resilience" skill, Rozen had achieved another breakthrough.

"All the magic circuits within my body are finally open."

Feeling the familiar yet complex network of circuits within himself, Rozen's mood significantly brightened.

"All magic circuits are open, magical power is at its maximum. Now, Tenzen's magical power surely can't surpass mine, right?"

After all, Rozen's potential has been fully developed, while Akabane Tenzen is still training his magical power. Without two or three decades, he probably won't be able to catch up with Rozen's magical power.

"But with the backing of 'Crimson Wing Formation,' as long as his blood doesn't run dry, Tenzen's magical power will always exceed mine."

Enhancing magical power tenfold is no trivial effect.

Even if Rozen has unlocked all his magic circuits, if Tenzen's magical power increases tenfold, Rozen still wouldn't be able to match it.

In the end...

"Besides using 'Summoning Technique,' I really can't find a way to surpass Tenzen."

This applies whether Tenzen continues using puppets or relies on the specialized puppets created by the Akabane clan.

If one day, Akabane Tenzen creates an automaton comparable to "Oborofuji" and combines it with the secret technique of "Crimson Wing Formation," Rozen would have no chance of winning.

"A puppet capable of altering topography at will, that's at least an Upper-level familiar. And with the amplification of 'Crimson Wing Formation,' how could I defeat a prodigy like Tenzen?"

This clearly illustrates just how extravagant the effect of the Akabane clan's "Crimson Wing Formation" is.

For summoners, puppet users, and puppeteers, an "Crimson Wing Formation" is practically a miraculous technique.

"If I really want to surpass Tenzen now, I only have two opportunities."

One is to elevate the "Summoning Technique" to a level where it can summon advanced familiars.

The other is to thoroughly research the "Crimson Wing Formation," mastering it to the point where it can be used freely without relying on "Crimson Wing Blood."

Rozen had been researching these two aspects all along.

Otherwise, Rozen wouldn't have just now learned the seventh-tier magician skill, nor would he have only now unlocked all his magic circuits.

"The focus for the future will be on researching the 'Summoning Technique' and the 'Crimson Wing Formation.'"

In terms of the practice of "Puppetry," Rozen had already reached its peak. Without mastering the crucial "Crimson Wing Formation" secret technique, there wouldn't be further improvement.

The eight tiers of magician skills are the same. The final stage can be deemed the most challenging, and those who have mastered this technique number less than a hundred worldwide. Without a miracle, it's practically impossible to learn it within a short time.

Moreover, with all magic circuits fully open, Rozen's remaining research directions are only the "Summoning Technique" and the "Crimson Wing Formation."

"It's been fifteen years since coming to this world. I didn't expect the goal I set to be unaccomplished until now."

Back when he was at Chaldea, Rozen estimated that it would take ten years to elevate the "Summoning Technique" to the level where he could summon Upper-level familiars. But due to his magic circuits not being fully open and other aspects of his training, it's taken until now for him to achieve success.

Of course, Rozen didn't regret his diversions. While it might have slowed down the progress of the "Summoning Technique," everything he learned here would have a significant impact on his ability to command and support familiars in battles.

In short, these abilities had remarkable potential for Rozen as a summoner.

"Now it's time to get back on track."

With this intention in mind, just like five years ago when he returned to the Akabane household, Rozen was once again planning to enter seclusion for further training.

Those who achieve great accomplishments are often able to endure solitude.

Rozen was one of those who could endure solitude.

"The only downside is not being able to go online and play games. It's so boring."

Rozen murmured his complaint under his breath.

Just as Rozen was about to plan his next step of training...

"Young Master Nuragami."

A retainer appeared in the courtyard, first shocked by the devastating sword marks on the ground. Then, with respect, he addressed Rozen.

"The clan head requests your presence."