-147- [ Wyvern ]


Mash's words jolted Rozen's attention, and he quickly raised his gaze to look ahead.

There, on a grassy field some distance away, a group of people was being harassed by a swarm of Wyvern descending from the sky.


"The dragons are here!"

"Don't... don't be afraid! Ready your weapons! Defend yourselves!"

"Pick up your weapons! Defend yourselves!"



Amidst the cacophony of voices, the group of people scrambled to pick up weapons. Despite their trembling hands and legs, they had to confront the descending Wyverns.

Taking a closer look, Rozen realized that these people not only carried weapons like spears, swords, shields, and armor but also used horses as transportation. Their organization seemed quite strong.

Rozen could deduce.

"Is that the French army?"

It appeared that a French military unit had encountered an attack by the Wyverns during their expedition or return.

And judging by their reactions—panicked yet not entirely terrified—it was clear they had encountered these phantasmal creatures before.

"The sight of flying Wyverns lingering around the borders of France has been going on for a while now, hasn't it?"

Rozen quickly arrived at this conclusion.

Otherwise, in an era when phantasmal species were believed to have withdrawn, regular soldiers wouldn't just display panic at the sight of these monsters.


Mash's urgent voice snapped Rozen out of his thoughts.

By this point, the military unit had suffered several casualties from the Wyverns that had descended from the sky. Their formation was breaking apart, and it seemed like they were on the brink of annihilation.

"How can an army of regular soldiers stand against a group of Wyverns?"

Rozen didn't find this odd at all, but he also knew that now wasn't the time to consider these matters.


"Prepare to engage! Mash!"

Rozen's command made Mash's expression tense.

"Yes, Master!"

Mash immediately raised her shield, giving a firm response.




Amidst the resounding roars that reverberated through the air, the Wyverns descended like arrows from the sky, swooping down with fierce and brutal expressions to charge at the soldiers below.


Sharp dragon claws pierced soldiers' backs.


Razor-sharp dragon teeth gnawed into human flesh.


"Ugh... Ah!!"

One after another, soldiers screamed in agony, only to be dragged into the sky by the attacking Wyverns and surrounded by a horde of them. Their figures were soon engulfed.

There was no doubt; it was a feeding frenzy.

The soldiers submerged by the swarm of Wyverns were torn apart and consumed, leaving countless bloodstains behind.

"Damn it!"


"These damned dragons!"

The surviving soldiers turned pale at this brutal scene, but their anger was ignited, and they clutched their weapons even tighter.

Among these soldiers stood a commander.

"Fire! Load all the cannons!"

Shouting these orders was a man clad in silver-white armor. With jet-black hair and an age around thirty or forty, he had a smart and valiant appearance, though he was thin and appeared almost skeletal. Nonetheless, hints of his handsome features were still discernible. This French marshal had a furrowed brow and a gaze that exuded a hint of ruthlessness. It was as though his battle intent had transformed into killing intent, and he continued to issue orders incessantly.

"Maintain formation! Don't let the dragons break through!"

"Infantry, raise your pikes! Aim upwards! Steady yourselves to withstand the dragon charges!"

"Don't ride the horses! Ordinary horses would panic and run wild at the sight of those monsters! Dismount and engage in combat!"

"Quick! move it!"

Under the orderly instructions of the French marshal, the soldiers managed to avoid an instant rout and put up some resistance.

The soldiers raised their pikes, causing the approaching Wyverns to hesitate in the face of the spear formation. The Wyverns had no choice but to beat their wings and soar higher into the sky. However, they were met with a barrage of projectiles from a group of soldiers with artillery in the rear. They endured the onslaught of artillery fire.



Explosions resonated, causing waves of fire to surge in the air.



Amid the painful cries and furious roars of the Wyverns, the barrage of artillery managed to curb the rampaging Wyvern swarm, finally reducing the casualties.



Accompanied by a roar, one of the Wyverns suddenly raised its head and opened its mouth, spewing flames from its mouth.

The flames, like meteors, rained down directly into the midst of the legion.


Amidst the explosion, the breath of fire detonated in the heart of the army, creating an explosive gust that swept everything around.


Screams echoed.

Soldiers were blasted away by the breath of fire, even devoured by it, and burned to ashes within the flames.

Other dragons began spewing flames as well, dismantling the entire formation of the army.


The French marshal clicked his tongue, gripping his sword tightly.

"Is this the end?"

Words of frustration slipped from his lips.

Just then...


A melodious shout overwhelmed all other sounds on the scene, as a figure charged forth like a war chariot, hoisting a hefty shield, and sped in from a distance.

The charge created waves, raising the sand and revealing a dust storm. With an unmatched momentum, the figure crashed into the battlefield with a speed that even the dragons couldn't react to, colliding forcefully.


Amid the resounding impact, Wyvern barely had time to let out a cry of agony before being sent flying. It crashed into a nearby hill and vanished from sight.

"That is..."

The French marshal couldn't help but stare.

It wasn't just the marshal; every soldier present had widened their eyes.

Taking advantage of this moment, another command rang out.

"Drive them all away!"

Upon hearing this command, the shield-wielding girl immediately responded.


The moment the words were spoken, the girl holding the shield raised it high and slammed it forcefully onto the ground.


Amidst the explosion, shockwaves erupted like geysers, carrying sand and dust as they surged in all directions, blowing away the swarm of dragons surrounding them and sending them into the sky.


The girl with the shield shouted once more, her figure like a shadow, ascending into the sky. With a few leaps, she displayed astonishing jumping power, catching up with the group of dragons that had been blown into the air.

In the next instant, the girl swung her shield, like a hammer and a club combined. Swift as the wind, fierce as thunder, within the flicker of her movements, she sent one dragon after another flying.

Witnessing this scene, the soldiers in the army stirred with great excitement.

"Amazing... She's incredibly strong!"

"She's actually able to face those monsters alone!"

"Could she be an angel sent by the heavens!?"

"Oh, God!"

The soldiers were successively stirred up.

Even the French marshal stared blankly at this scene, his eyes filled with fascination.

Such bravery.

Such power.

It was as though...


The French marshal muttered that name, his eyes revealing a sense of melancholy.

Unbeknownst to anyone, someone had already infiltrated the army.