-153- Sounding the horn of attack


This was a city with a long history.

It was founded during the Gallic rule, situated in the Loire Valley, the cradle of the French monarchy.

During the Merovingian dynasty, it had briefly served as the capital of France, a source of French royalty, boasting numerous castles and historic landmarks. Before the medieval period, it was one of France's three prosperous cities, holding great historical and political significance for the country.

However, during the Hundred Years' War, Orleans was occupied by the English forces.

Its fall not only symbolized the possible colonization of France's heartland by others, but also meant that a significant portion of southern France could fall under English control, potentially making England the master of France.

Ignoring its fall would inevitably lead to the collapse of France at the hands English,

In the midst of this dire situation, Jeanne d'Arc stepped forward, leading the French army. After several battles, she eventually liberated Orleans and wrested it from the hands of the English forces.

This liberation became a major turning point in the Hundred Years' War, altering the course of European history.

Had Orleans not been liberated, the outcome of the Hundred Years' War would undoubtedly have been different, causing significant changes in human history.

Thus, the liberator of Orleans, Jeanne d'Arc, became one of France's most revered heroes and was hailed as the Maiden of Orleans. She was later canonized centuries later and became the most famous saint in the world, leaving a mark on history.

However, now this city once liberated by the Saint, Jeanne d'Arc, had completely fallen and turned into a nest for monsters.



Dragon roars echoed one after another from the direction of Orleans, like ripples in water.

Wyverns patrolled the skies like vigilant guards, flying back and forth, turning the city into an enigmatic, mysterious place.

"Is that Orleans?"

Rozen hid in a grove of trees, gazing in the direction of Orleans, squinting his eyes.

"Indeed, Orleans has turned into a nest of wyverns, devoid of human presence."

Mash stood with her shield by Rozen's side, her expression filled with sorrow.

And it was only natural.

"All the living people in Orleans have become food for the wyverns. Not a single one remains."

Gilles led the group and gave this grim report.

"Now, there are only dragons left in Orleans, not a single human."

In other words, Rozen and his group could attack without worrying about harming innocent civilians.

"If you're ready, we can attack now."

Gilles turned his gaze towards Rozen, seeking his opinion.

"...I'm ready."

Rozen thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Very well." Gilles tightened his expression and said, "Just as discussed before, you'll lead the vanguard, and we'll provide support from behind as we attack Orleans together."

After saying that, Gilles raised a hand and signaled to the troops behind him.

Rozen and Mash exchanged glances.

"It's time, Mash."

"Yes, Master."

In concise words, their determination was made clear.


Rozen immersed his consciousness within himself.


As if pressing an invisible switch, the magical circuits within Rozen's body lit up one by one, and like an engine, they started whirring into motion.

Mana immediately flowed through Rozen's body.


Allowing mana to flow like water, Rozen infused it into Mash's body in one breath.


A slight explosion sounded from Mash's body.


Mash closed her eyes, her lips parted slightly, feeling a surge of power like rising tide within her.

With ample mana supply, Mash's strength as a Servant continuously increased.

And then...

"Let's go, Mash!"


Following Rozen's lead, Mash opened her eyes.

The next moment, the two rushed out of the woods together.


Gilles immediately drew his weapon from his waist and pointed it forward, shouting loudly.


As Gilles' command fell...


The shouts of the troops resounded.

The elite forces of France charged out of the woods, some wielding weapons, some holding shields, while others pushed carts with cannons at the rear. Like a vast army, they raised smoke and charged towards Orleans.

Such a tremendous momentum naturally couldn't escape the notice of the wyverns.



At the next instant, the wyverns that had been hovering over Orleans let out furious roars. Like arrows released from a bow, they shot out, charging towards the approaching army.

Before long, the two sides met head-on.

The French forces acted first.


With Gilles' furious roar, the cannons at the rear started spewing flames one after another, heavy shells sliced through the air and crashed straight into the wyvern formation.


Massive explosions bloomed amidst the wyvern flock, breaking their formation into pieces.

The French forces continued their bombardment, causing shells to explode one after another within the wyvern formation, creating layers of flames and gusts of explosions that shook the air.

The wyverns, not to be outdone, flew over the French forces and immediately opened their monstrous mouths, spewing scorching breath.


The flames of the breath attack also exploded within the army, creating a chorus of cries.

Both sides began to battle under these circumstances.

Soldiers with weapons and shields fought against swooping wyverns.

Soldiers responsible for artillery fire and the wyverns that spat breath attacks engaged in long-distance mutual bombardment.

For a while, the sounds of dragon roars, roars, shouts, cries, and screams filled the air without end.

In such a situation, Rozen and Mash charged to the forefront of the battlefield.

Just as they burst out of the woods, Rozen used magic.

"〈Summon Wolves〉!"

This was of the same type as the 〈Summon Magic Ants〉, mainly used to summon wolf packs—a summoning spell that relied on quantity.

However, unlike the physically strong magic ants, the magic wolves summoned by this spell were large in size, comparable to horses, but possessed not strength, but speed, agility, and flexibility.

As such, a massive black wolf responded to Rozen's summoning, leaping out of the magic circle. It carried Rozen on its back and dashed across the battlefield with astonishing speed.

Otherwise, Rozen wouldn't be able to keep up with Mash's pace, nor have the strength for a sprint.

Rozen rode the magic wolf, dashing through the battlefield while looking ahead.