-155- Hell's Inferno

"Whoosh... Whoosh... Whoosh..."

The rhythmic sound of wyverns flapping their wings echoed through the skies of Orleans, creating gusts of wind that seemed to stretch endlessly.

Hundreds, even thousands, of wyverns had gathered in groups, encircling the square where the castle stood. Emitting suppressed growls as if ready to swoop down and tear their prey apart, their eyes gleamed with a deadly ferocity.

However, at this moment, the wyverns were acting unusually. Instead of charging at the sight of prey, they had encircled the French troops below, who were preparing to charge into the castle. This was because they were not acting independently but were under the command of a true master who controlled them.


An evil laughter emanated from the back of one particular wyvern.

The source of the sound was a girl who appeared to be around twenty years old.

She wore attire akin to that of a priestess, with armor on her wrists and abdomen, and a metal headband on her forehead. In her hand, she held a flag that fluttered in the wind, giving her the appearance of a shrewd and capable female commander.

However, whether it was the priestess-like attire, the finely crafted armor, the headband, or the flag, they were all of a pitch-black hue. Even the long braid that hung down her back was a sinister pale white, giving off an eerie sensation.

As for the flag in the girl's hand, it bore the same ominous dragon emblem.



Sinister white.


This was the first impression that the girl conveyed.

Standing on the wyvern's back, this girl fully lived up to her title – the "Dragon Witch."

Now, leading an army of hundreds, she had completely encircled the French troops below.

As they beheld this malevolent witch, the soldiers of the French army quivered, their faces turning pale.

Even Gilles' gaze flickered, expressing a mixture of intoxication and sorrow, as he called out loudly:


Using this name, Gilles addressed her.


"She's Jeanne?"

Rozen, riding atop the wolf's back, couldn't believe his eyes. Not even Mash, who knew the historical figure so well, could accept it.

"It's a lie..." Mash raised her shield, positioning herself in front of Rozen. She remained vigilant and fixed her gaze on the witch in the sky, murmuring with clenched teeth, "Such an evil aura, how could it possibly..."

How could it possibly belong to the pure and immaculate Maiden of Orleans?

This was what both Mash and Rozen were thinking.



The term was met with scorn and disdain, not from anyone else, but from Jeanne herself.

"Never place that foolish and laughable title on me." The witch sneered, "Or else, I'll burn all of you to ashes with this cursed banner in my hand."

As she spoke, the witch raised the black banner in her hand.


The flames of a crimson lotus ignited, resembling the inferno of hell.

Rozen had long activated his "Heaven's Eye" skill, allowing him to clearly perceive all of this.

"Get back quickly!"

Rozen shouted loudly to Mash.


Almost entirely driven by trust in Rozen, Mash followed his command without hesitation, leaping away from her original position.


As she leaped, the flames of the hellfire swept through the spot where Mash had just been, engulfing a nearby soldier.


The soldier's agonized screams, akin to the wails of a vengeful spirit, resounded throughout the square.

The soldier who had been touched by the hellfire instantly ignited, leaving behind nothing but ashes. Amidst the piercing cries, he disappeared without a trace.


Having witnessed this scene, even Mash's face turned pale.

Even if she hadn't been harmed due to her evasion, at the very least, that soldier wouldn't have...!

"Stay focused, Mash!"

Just as Mash's emotions were swaying, Roman's urgent voice reached her ears.

"It's not your fault! Focus on the enemies in front of you, or else Rozen will be in danger!"

Roman's reminder pulled Mash out of the depths of self-blame. She clenched her teeth tightly, held up her shield, and continued to guard in front of Rozen.

Meanwhile, the French army had already descended into chaos.

"Damn witch...!"

"She dares to...!?"

"Curse it...!"

"We believed in you so much before!"

Soldiers expressed fear and anger, hurling curses at the witch on the dragon's back.

However, instead of displeasing her, their reactions seemed to satisfy her.

"That's the attitude you should be showing."

The witch sneered from the wyvern's back.





"Before the flames burned me, those were the feelings you directed at me."

The witch opened her eyes, as if converting her pitch-black emotions into power, and shouted loudly.

"Since you've given me these, put away your pity and sympathy. Just like before, keep expressing them to me!"

This is how the former saint declared.

"Because I'll also turn all of it into flames of hell, burning you all to ashes, completely destroying this decaying nation!"

As she finished speaking, the witch raised the sinister flag in her hand.

"My servants!"

"Begin the hunt!"

"Devour every last rat that dares to invade your nest!"

The wyvern legion responded to the operator's command.


Unprecedented and thunderous roars erupted from the mouths of the wyverns, creating shockwaves that soared to the skies.

In the next moment, wyverns swooped down one by one, creating successive shockwaves as they dove toward the soldiers below.


Gilles also issued an order.

Unfortunately, faced with the overwhelming number of wyverns, the soldiers could barely organize any resistance, and their morale was all but gone.

Within the square, a one-sided hunt unfolded.

In the face of all this, even Rozen had no means to reverse the situation.

There was only one thing Rozen could do.

That was...

"Defeat the 'Dragon Witch'!"

Rozen's voice transformed into substantial power, infused with ample magical energy, and flowed into Mash's body.

Mash immediately understood Rozen's intentions.

In the face of hundreds of wyverns, they had no chance here.

Unless they took down the witch controlling the dragon horde.


Mash immediately shattered the ground under her feet, ascending like a rocket into the air, heading towards the witch's direction.


In response, the witch merely snorted disdainfully. She didn't even bother to raise her flag, seemingly uninterested in engaging with Mash.

The reason was simple.

Someone was going to intercept Mash's attack.


As a sharp sound tore through the air, an arrow, seemingly accompanied by a tornado, shot forth from a distance. It mercilessly aimed for Mash's head.