-180- [ Dragon ] and [ Dragon ]

For Mash, Lancer, and Berserker, they are not unfamiliar with each other.

Not to mention that Lancer intervened in the battle when Mash was in danger, fought side by side with her, and even cooperated together. And speaking of Berserker, even though she only met Mash this morning, she knew that Mash, as a Servant, wasn't particularly powerful, otherwise she wouldn't act so recklessly.

In other words, these two Servants had a certain understanding of Mash's combat abilities.

Now, seeing Mash's surging power and feeling Rozen's continuous infusion of magic into her, how could the two girls not be astonished?

"Could it be that you're the Master that little squirrel mentioned?"

Lancer finally turned her attention towards Rozen, observing him curiously as she spoke.

"Human Master, is it?"

Berserker also glanced at Rozen, a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

Not only these two Servants, but even Jeanne, Marie, and Amadeus were taken aback.


"I can feel that Mash's strength has increased significantly."

"So, this is the difference between having a Master and not having one?"

Jeanne, Marie, and Amadeus respectively re-evaluated Rozen's capabilities. Surprise turned to admiration, astonishment turned to excitement, and someone finally regained their composure.

Having successfully attracted everyone's attention, Rozen retracted some of his magic power.

"Are you feeling calmer now?"

Rozen straightforwardly questioned.

"Can you tell me why you're fighting like this?"

Rozen's question was met with a unanimous response.

"It's all because of her!"

Both girls pointed at each other, immediately locking eyes in an intense glare.

Rozen instantly developed a headache.

"You go first." Rozen pointed towards Lancer and asked, "Why did this argument start?"

At Rozen's words, Lancer coldly snorted.

"It's because she insulted me, calling me a low-class half-breed dragon."

Lancer was furious.

But then...

"That's what you are."

Berserker said matter-of-factly.

"You became a dragon because of your low-class obsession, didn't you? Elizabeth Bathory!"

The name that came from Berserker's mouth caused a stir among everyone present.


"Are you that Countess?"

Jeanne and Marie looked at Lancer, astounded.

"What, what?" Lancer's expression brightened as if she had just realized, "Am I really that famous?"


Of course, she was!

Elizabeth Bathory.

While this name might not be widely known, if you mentioned another name associated with her, it would be much more recognizable.


The female vampire known as the Bloody Countess, Countess Dracula, Chagatai's Bloody Mistress, and more.

She is the famous Countess of the Bathory family, a well-known noble lineage that has been guarding Hungary against Turkish invasion for generations. This led the Countess to amass immense power, considering herself above the law, indulging in luxury, and becoming increasingly lawless.

The Countess firmly believed that the blood of young girls could keep her perpetually youthful and beautiful. She cruelly murdered around 650 young girls, using their blood for drinking and bathing. Even innocent bystanders were tortured to death by her sadistic interrogations. This made her the most prolific female serial killer in history. Eventually, she was imprisoned for life and died in her own castle.

Due to her heinous acts during her lifetime, her story was distorted and embellished by later generations. She was often described as a vampire or a monstrous dragon.

These fabricated stories eventually became the prevailing perception of the Countess. Numerous biographies and operas contributed to this distortion, turning her into a legendary figure, almost a form of mythology, causing her true identity to be warped and ultimately leading to her being considered a true dragon-kind.

However, as a member of dragon-kind, Elizabeth's character is among the lowest of the low. Other dragons wouldn't even consider her one of their own.

Now, Berserker demonstrates this fact clearly.

Because, in fact, Berserker is also a dragon.


"Despite not truly being of dragon-kind, why are you so proud?"

Lancer, Elizabeth, spoke out Berserker's true name.


This name would surely elicit gasps of recognition in the far eastern island nation, wouldn't it? Because this name's holder wasn't a historical figure, nor a legendary hero from myths and legends. Instead, she was like the Enenra that Rozen had encountered before – a Japanese youkai.

According to the story, Kiyohime was a half-human, half-serpent youkai, and her story originated from the Dōjōji Temple bell tale. The story itself can be found in Toriyama Sekien's collection of supernatural creatures, the "Gazu Hyakki Yagyō" ("The Illustrated Night Parade of a Hundred Demons").

As per the account in the "Konjaku Monogatari," in ancient times, two ascetic monks, one old and one young, were staying at Kiyohime's inn during their pilgrimage to Kumano. The young monk was named Anchin. In just a single night, Kiyohime became passionately infatuated with him. The innkeeper tried various methods to get Anchin to stay, but he coldly rebuffed her advances, only promising to visit her again when he returned from his pilgrimage.

However, this promise was broken due to the older monk's refusal. Unaware of this, Kiyohime was left devastated, feeling betrayed, heartbroken, and angry at Anchin for breaking his promise.

These accumulated emotions transformed Kiyohime into a monstrous figure. Driven by the deep-seated obsession to chase after Anchin, she sprouted a serpent's tail and lost her human legs, her anger turning her into a snake, and finally into a giant dragon that spewed flames. She incinerated Anchin and tearfully sank into the river, ending her own life.

If Berserker was truly Kiyohime, as Elizabeth mentioned, then unlike Elizabeth, who had become a low-ranking dragon through fabricated legends, Kiyohime at least possessed dragon attributes as she had transformed into a dragon before.

Hence, Kiyohime, Berserker, smiled.

"Well, it's better than being a useless low-ranked half-breed dragon, isn't it?"

Kiyohime whispered these words, her hand covering her mouth.


Elizabeth immediately got ready to retort.

"Enough! Stop quarreling!"

Rozen rolled his eyes and voiced his displeasure.

"You're arguing over something like this. Are you really just children?"

Rozen completely overlooked that his words were equally provoking.

"Who are you calling a child!?"

"I am a dignified lady!"

Elizabeth and Kiyohime's words pointed directly at Rozen.

Rozen raised an eyebrow and also wanted to retort.

"Please calm down, Senpai."

"Why are you getting involved in the argument too?"

"Quarreling isn't good. Smiling is the expression we should all have on our faces."

Mash, Jeanne, and Marie hurriedly stepped in to mediate.

"Just be quiet already."

Amadeus coldly uttered these words from the sidelines.

Finally, Gilles, who had been observing the situation, spoke up.

"Anyway, let's head to the camp."

With these words as a conclusion, everyone made their way to the camp.