-223- Kirigaya household's sibling trio

When Rozen emerged from his room, the adjacent room's door suddenly opened as well.


Rozen turned his head and looked at the neighboring room, where he spotted a girl.

She wore a middle school uniform and had a sword bag with a bamboo sword on her shoulder. She had shoulder-length black hair and black eyes.

The girl seemed ready to head out. She opened her room door, stepped out, and bumped into Rozen, who was also on his way out.

As a result, she lifted her gaze, looked at Rozen, and then immediately lowered her head before addressing him.

"Good morning, Aoka nii-san."

Her tone wasn't enthusiastic, couldn't be called familiar, but was rather cold and distant.

Hearing this tone, Rozen sighed inwardly and then casually nodded.

"Good morning, Suguha."

Upon hearing this, the girl named Suguha didn't show any clear reaction. She continued closing her door, then spoke softly.

"Mom's calling, so please come down for breakfast."

After speaking, Suguha turned around, brushed past Rozen, walked forward without looking back, and went downstairs.

Throughout, she didn't seem to pay much attention to Rozen. Her attitude made it hard to imagine they lived in the same household.

But Rozen didn't find this strange.

"Isn't this just part of our everyday routine?"

Rozen muttered to himself.

Then, the door of the room on the other side of Rozen's opened as well.


Accompanied by a yawn, a boy stepped out of that room.

He had the same black hair and black eyes. He wasn't in a uniform, though, dressed in casual clothing similar to Rozen's. As he exited his room, he immediately noticed Rozen.

"Aoka? Are you already up? Why the look of deep contemplation?"

The boy appeared somewhat puzzled as he looked over.

Unlike the coldness of the girl named Suguha, this boy's attitude was quite familiar to Rozen. It gave off a sense of an close relationship.

Rozen just shrugged, casually responding.

"Nothing, just ran into Suguha."

With this simple statement, the boy seemed to understand.

"Is that so?" The boy fell silent for a moment before murmuring, "Well, nothing you can do about that."

Clearly, he knew the reason behind it.

"Alright, let's go downstairs and have breakfast, Kazuto."

Rozen called out to the boy.


The boy named Kazuto nodded in response.

The two boys of similar age yawned in unison as they headed downstairs.

"Don't look so dispirited! Quickly go wash your face!"

Not long after, Kirigaya Midori's scolding voice could be heard.


The Kirigaya residence.

It was an old Japanese-style building located on a street in a town in the southern part of Saitama Prefecture, Japan.

With a rather long history, even ancestors from four generations ago used to reside there, and that passed down until now.

The estate's original owner was their grandfather, who was a police officer and known for his kendo skills when he was young. He had only one son, Kirigaya Midori's husband. Thus, the grandfather wanted him to pursue kendo as well. This led Rozen's father to practice kendo until high school before giving it up and going to study in the United States. He ended up working for a foreign securities firm and met Kirigaya Midori, who worked as an editor for a computer magazine. They got married and began a life of commuting back and forth across the Pacific Ocean. Eventually, they had a son and a daughter.

//// I remember Kirito is not Midori's son but her nephew? But since the author write it this way, I'm not gonna change anything and I'm sure he'll explain it later. ////

Kirigaya Kazuto, eldest son of the Kirigaya household, was fourteen years old and in his second year of middle school. He had a face that could easily be mistaken for a girl's. He was a fervent online gamer since elementary school, capable of building his own computer. He even learned programming from Kirigaya Midori, who worked as a computer editor. His fondness for the internet had become an addiction that he couldn't escape from.

Kirigaya Suguha, the youngest daughter of the Kirigaya family, is thirteen years old and in her first year of middle school. Despite her somewhat immature appearance, she's a full-fledged beauty. Unlike her brother Kirigaya Kazuto, she has been strongly influenced by her grandfather and has a deep passion for kendo. She practices at a nearby dojo every day and is even considered a rising star among the female kendo practitioners. She's already preparing to participate in kendo competitions and has a chance to attend the national tournament next year.

As for Kirigaya Aoka, also known as Rozen, he's fourteen years old and, like Kirigaya Kazuto, is in his second year of middle school. However, he has already taken a leave of absence from school for two reasons.

One reason is that Rozen had already reached a level of knowledge equivalent to a doctorate. He achieved a perfect score on the university entrance exam questionnaire during elementary school, which caught the attention of the local education department. He was even allowed to skip grades and directly pursue a doctorate. However, he firmly declined, claiming he didn't want to miss out on his rare childhood. In reality, he used this as a reason to take a leave of absence and spent his time either practicing magic and studying secret arts or getting lost in online games. He was undoubtedly a true enthusiast of the internet, much like Kirigaya Kazuto.

The other reason was that Rozen underestimated this world.

To be precise, he underestimated the extent of ordinary people's infatuation.

Just like Kirigaya Kazuto, who had a feminine appearance, and Kirigaya Suguha, the beauty, Rozen's appearance was quite impressive as well.

With a face that seemed a mix of Eastern and Western features and an often casually disheveled yet strangely clean black hair, coupled with his frequently lackadaisical and intellectual black eyes, Rozen's looks were not overwhelmingly handsome but were enough to make schoolgirls take notice.

Rozen had never realized that his appearance could cause such a stir.

In the past, at Chaldea and at the Akabane clan, people only valued his magical aptitude. No one had ever looked at Rozen with admiration due to his appearance. It wasn't until he came to this world, attended an ordinary elementary school, and a regular middle school that he realized his own handsomeness.

"Come to think of it, while big bro may look like that, he doesn't look bad either. Mash might have been an experimental subject, but that's also why she looks way more attractive than the average person."

And since Rozen is Roman's biological brother and shares some connection with Mash, he naturally wouldn't have an ordinary appearance.

Of course, Rozen wasn't pleased with this at all. On the contrary, he felt a bit uncomfortable with the enthusiasm of those girls.

Recalling the scene of being buried under a sea of love letters, he felt relieved that he ultimately chose to take a leave of absence.

Otherwise, who knows what sort of strange situations might have arisen.

This was the Kirigaya household's sibling trio.

With these three individuals, along with their father working overseas and their mother currently at home, this was the family composition of the Kirigaya household.



An indescribable silence hung over the breakfast table. Rozen, Kazuto, and Suguha all ate in silence, not exchanging a single word, causing a somewhat oppressive atmosphere.


Kirigaya Midori, who was also having her meal, looked at this scene and let out a silent sigh.

Yet, this was just the everyday life of the Kirigaya family.